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kalliste kalliste Non in Linea
Messaggi: 946
Data registrazione: Jun 2008
Predefinito Roxilon - 08-01-2009, 01:51 PM


Ne trovano sempre di nuove, eh?

Roxilon, Anabolic Steroid
Category: Steroid Information

Roxilon is the commercial name given to the steroid compound Dimethazine, also known as mebolazine. This potent oral anabolic steroid was derived from dihydrotestosterone and has a very unique structure.

The dimethazine molecule is made from two methyldrostanolone molecules, bonded together with an azine bridge. When administered, the body chemically breaks this bond so that the drug provides free methyldrostalone, the compound used in Superdrol.

Dimethazine was first described in 1962 and developed further into a medicine by Ormonoterapia Richter in Italy. The firm sold the steroid as Roxilon throughout Italy and as Dostalon in Mexico. It has also been sold under licence by Lepetit.

When sold, dimethazine was evaluated to cure and treat several conditions ranging from promotion of growth in underweight children and adolescents, the treatment of osteoporosis and as a general anabolic in conditions necessitating the use of such an agent.

The steroid has since been added to the list of long and forgotten anabolic preparations. The steroid saw limited success in the medical field and was discontinued by the manufacturer some years ago which marked the end of dimethazine as it was once known.

When used by athletes, this drug was highly favoured for it’s ability to promote solid gains in lean muscle tissue without excess water retention and fat gain. The results and behaviour of this steroid compares vary similarly with drostanolone propionate (Matheron), although as an oral c-17alpha alkylated steroid it presents considerably more toxicity.

Under the administration of dimethazine, estrogen related side effects should not be a concern. dimethazine is not aromatised by the body and anti estrogens will not be necessary. Due to the inability to convert to estrogen, even sensitive intervals should not suffer side effects like gynecomastia and a lean ripped look will be produced.

Androgenic side effects are always likely to present themselves, even with weak anabolic steroids. Side effects relating to the increase of androgens can range from acne and oily skin, to hair loss. Women are warned off using anabolic steroids in doses required to promote muscle growth as typical side effects for women can be, deepening of the voice, facial and body hair growth along with menstrual irregularities.

Due to dimethazine being part of the c17-alpha alkylated family, liver toxicity is likely and higher doses can result in life threatening conditions. It is advisable to visit a physician periodically throughout administration to spot potential problems early.

You will not be able to find dimethazine as a steroid for sale anywhere nowadays. It is not commercially produced nor is it available on the black market.

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Bodyrules Bodyrules Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 598
Data registrazione: Aug 2008
Predefinito 13-01-2009, 01:22 PM

Ultimamente la Iforce Nutrition ha lanciato con grandi proclami un "integratore" a base di Dimetazina,uno steroide in origine italiano dei primi anni sassanta.
Il suo nome scientifico è 17beta-hydroxy 2alpha,17beta-dimethyl 5alpha-androstan 3-on azine
Sembra particolare come molecola a prima vista ma in pratica è riconducibile al Superdrol in quanto sono due molecole di metildrostanolone collegate da un atomo di azoto.
Dopo la somministrazione orale viene chimicamente rotto dagli enzimi del corpo questo legame e il farmaco/integratore rilascia appunto metildrostalone,composto utilizzato nel Superdrol.
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kalliste kalliste Non in Linea
Messaggi: 946
Data registrazione: Jun 2008
Predefinito 13-01-2009, 02:03 PM

ottima info Body
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Sharingan Sharingan Non in Linea
Messaggi: 7
Data registrazione: Aug 2009
Località: Milano
Età: 40
Predefinito 01-08-2009, 12:39 PM

Questo prodotto viene commercializzato dalla iForce, come ha detto bodyrules... che come tutte le aziende che fanno marketing al solito pubblicizza qualcosa come nuovo inteso come innovativo (progresso) quando o 1) nuovo non è o 2) si rivela meno efficace di ciò che viene usato tradizionalmente... (il caso 2 si riferisce a creatina monoidrata vs etil estere) e naturalmente se vengono fatti test, non sono indipendenti... ma commissionati dal produttore :/
La cosa ridicola nel caso del dimetazine è che iforce non menziona mai il fatto che siano 2 molecole di s drol legate assieme, il che si deduce facilmente anche dalla formula chimica... che non mettono.
Questo prodotto ha dei sides... stando a quanto viene riportato da gente che "recentemente" l'ha provato, è molto raro non subirne... c'è uno addirittura che è svenuto in palestra... -.-'
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