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Riedle 03-06-2008 07:46 PM

ABB Pure Pro Shake
Che ne pensate degli integratori proteici liquidi come pasto sostituitivo da utilizzare ogni tanto?
Tipo questo della ABB come vi sembra:

Number one rated and best tasting high protein, Low Carb Shake! Pure Pro Shake delivers a superior and proprietary blend of 35 grams of quality tested Protein, only 4 grams of carbs, 1/2 gram of fat, less than 1 gram sugar, and is aspartame free. Pure Pro Shake is perfect if you are on a low-carb, low-fat diet and want to avoid aspartame. American Body Building's proprietary blend of whey and milk Proteins are ideally formulated to help support muscle growth and recovery, by helping to keep your body in a positive nitrogen state. A great tasting way to conveniently get the Protein your body demands, while keeping your carb and fat intake low.
American Body Building's Pure Pro Shake is best right after a hard workout, or taken as a supplement when you need your extra Protein . Anybody who wishes to have extra Protein in their diet without the fat or the extra carbs is ideal for this performance drink.
Fuel your needs before or after workouts and in between meals with Pure Pro® or Extreme Body products. So you like your drinks a little thicker? No problem, you can enjoy the milkshake-like texture of Extreme Body Shake and Pure Pro® Shake. Need even more go-anywhere, anytime convenience? Grab an incredible-tasting Pure Pro® Zero Sugar Bar. Value-priced and refrigeration isn’t necessary.
Best ways to use ABB Pure Pro Shakes :
Drink 1 shake with or between meals. Consume as many shakes as desired to reach your protein and calorie goals. Shake well before using.

Ingredients Filtered water, milk protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, whey proein isolate, (cocoa), natural and artificial flavors, cellulose gel, caragen, sucralose, acesulfame-K, potassium citrate
Quantity 325 ml
Servings per Container 1
Directions Drink 1 shake with or between meals. Consume as many shakes as desired to reach your protein and calorie goals. Shake well before using.
Serving size 325 ml
Energy 170 kcal
Protein 35 g
Carbohydrate 5 g
of which Sugars 2 g
Fibre <1 g
Sodium 55 mg
Potassium 90 mg

o questo della EAS:

Product description

EAS Carb Control RTD is protein drink with sugar and sweeteners.

Ingredients Water, protein blend (milk protein concentrate, calcium caseinat, whey protein isolate), polydextrose, sunflower oil, flavourings, cottonseed fiber, acidity regulators (potassium citrate, sodium polyphosphate), sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K), thickener (carrageenan), dextrose, fat reduced cocoa powder. Contains milk, soy, solphites and may contain peanuts, various nuts and seeds.
Quantity 330 ml
Servings per Container 1
Directions Drink 1-2 servings daily (depending on how much protein you want in your diet)
Serving size 330 ml
Energy 136 kcal
Protein 25 g
Carbohydrate 2,3 g
of which Sugars 1 g
Fat 3 g
Fibre 5 g
Sodium 0,37 g

Hulk Hogan 03-06-2008 08:12 PM

Dopo che bevi la seconda confezione ti verrà il disgusto solo a pensarci....:D:D:D:D

Riedle 04-06-2008 09:11 AM


Originariamente inviato da Hulk Hogan (Scrivi 50307)
Dopo che bevi la seconda confezione ti verrà il disgusto solo a pensarci....:D:D:D:D

cmq a livello nutrizionale come sono? c'è da fidarsi o no?

Guru 05-06-2008 06:31 PM

Personalmente non vedo l'utilità di questi prodotti, basta portarsi dietro uno shaker ed avere accesso a dell'acqua.

In ogni caso non sono un pasto sostitutivo ma una fonte di proteine, quindi non puoi usarli a quello scopo.

Riedle 06-06-2008 09:50 AM


Originariamente inviato da Guru (Scrivi 50860)
Personalmente non vedo l'utilità di questi prodotti, basta portarsi dietro uno shaker ed avere accesso a dell'acqua.

In ogni caso non sono un pasto sostitutivo ma una fonte di proteine, quindi non puoi usarli a quello scopo.

a me infatti servono come fonte proteica da usare ogni tanto...considera che sono in low-carb quindi nn mi serve un pasto sostituitivo con cho massimo ci aggiungo una manciata di mandorle e sono a posto...
le utilizzerei quando sono troppo impegnato sul lavoro da nn poter fare lo shake con acqua ecc....
Vorrei solo sapere se sono buoni prodotti o compro acqua colorata...

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