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iolo79 13-07-2007 03:47 PM

syntra EC
Qualcuno ha provato questo prodotto della syntrax??? Com'è?

iolo79 14-07-2007 04:27 AM

nessuno lo conosce???????
Almeno Antò dovrebbe sapermi spiegare in cosa consiste:D:D:D

Guru 14-07-2007 08:14 AM

Cyanotis Vaga Extract (Standardized for 200mg 20-Hydroxyecdysterone and 250 mg TOTAL ecdysteroids)

E' ecdisterone, ovvero uno sterolo, un'ormone attivo nelle piante e negli insetti ma difficilmente nell'uomo.

Io sto ancora cercando degli studi che ne dimostrino l'efficacia, e non mi stupisco della cosa.

In breve, credo che gli uomini siano un pò più complicati di piante ed insetti.

Pensate che, essendo una sostanza fondamentale per questi animaletti, qualcuno ha cercato di metterla inr elazione con la loro forza :D

Fortunatamente non ho ancora visto pubblicità che dicono "diventa forte come un insetto" ma tutto può succedere :D

iolo79 14-07-2007 02:33 PM


Originariamente inviato da Guru (Scrivi 5691)
Cyanotis Vaga Extract (Standardized for 200mg 20-Hydroxyecdysterone and 250 mg TOTAL ecdysteroids)

E' ecdisterone, ovvero uno sterolo, un'ormone attivo nelle piante e negli insetti ma difficilmente nell'uomo.

Io sto ancora cercando degli studi che ne dimostrino l'efficacia, e non mi stupisco della cosa.

In breve, credo che gli uomini siano un pò più complicati di piante ed insetti.

Pensate che, essendo una sostanza fondamentale per questi animaletti, qualcuno ha cercato di metterla inr elazione con la loro forza :D

Fortunatamente non ho ancora visto pubblicità che dicono "diventa forte come un insetto" ma tutto può succedere :D

dici allora che n è una cosa valida.... tutta una bufala??

Su forum american e inglesi avevo letto abbastanza bene....

greatescape 15-07-2007 12:26 AM

non vorrei sbagliarmi ma credo che questo prodotto sia simile ... come animal m-stak e iso stak dell'universal ... cmq ci sono anche altri prodotti simili non solo quello che hai trovato te ... se le sostanze sono piu o meno queste .. so che alla fine sono buone e ci sono studi validi ... solo che ho sentito che per fare quello che promettono queste sostanze dovrebbere essere in quantita molto maggiori rispetto a quelle che si trovano di solito in vendita ... uno studio simile l'avevo letto con eurycoma longifolia .. che dicevano che il proddotto era molto valido ma dato i costi alti dello stesso era presente in una quantita bassa nei prodotti quindi poco efficace
se dovessero funzionare bene questi prodotti li vedrei bene in un periodo di massa con un buon introito proteico in quanto dovrebbe aumentarne la sintesi

iolo79 16-07-2007 02:42 AM

circa sapevo quello che ha detto guru....
i vari animal nn dovrebbero centrare niente col syntra EC

greatescape 16-07-2007 02:50 AM

iso stak dell'universal ha sia ... Methoxyisoflavone che Ecdysterone

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 60
Amount Per Serving:
Vitamin B6: 3.5mg
Niacin: 10mg
Zinc: 10mg
5-methyl-7-methoxyisoflavone: 100mg
7-isopropoxyisoflavone: 100mg
5,7 dihydroxyflavone: 25mg
20-hydroxyecdysone: 25mg
Isoflavonol: 150mg
Triboxybol: 200mg
(standardized for 29% steroidal saponins)
Lysophosphatidylcholine: 10mg
Other Ingredients:
Tribulus terrestris extract, pueraria lobata, zinc aspartate, niacinamide, pyridoxine HCl, gelatin, magnesium stearate, stearic acid.
Take 1 capsule three times daily with meals. Do not exceed 3 capsules in any 24-hour period.

anche il nuovo animal ha tutti e 2

il mio consiglio pero e' di prenderli separati .. quesit 2 componenti in quanto i dosaggi sono elevati e nei 2 prodotti la presenza non e' tanto alta ... ci sono studi dove lavorano in sinergia ... cmq anche un integratore per il testosterone lo vedo bene .. tipo zma tribulus ecc ...

studiati i prodotti se vuoi e fatti un periodo .. io metterei anche qualche stimolatore dell'ossido nitrico .. so che sembra grossa come integrazione ... ma da parte mia ci sta bene ... alimentazione naturalemnte iperproteica :)

iolo79 16-07-2007 08:31 AM

ho controllato hai ragione:D:D:D

ma torniamo all'Ecdysterone.....
funziona o no??? dosaggi????

greatescape 16-07-2007 09:05 AM

  • Ecdysterone Highlights:
  • A Drastic Increase in Lean Body Mass
  • Increased Endurance
  • Stimulates Metabolism
  • Improves Nerve Function and Enhances Erythropoiesis (the development of mature red blood cells (erythrocytes))
  • Maintains Healthy Blood Sugar
  • Reduces Adipose Tissue
  • Improves Nearly Every Bodily Function Including Brain and Liver
  • It's Safe and Effective for Men, Women, and Even Teenagers
  • Prevents the Loss of Muscle Mass while Promoting Growth of Muscle Fibers
  • Not to mention:
    It does all this with absolutely no reported side effects, making it safe beyond reproach.
  • No Negative Side Effects
  • No Virilization
  • No Conversion Into Estrogenic Compounds
  • No Liver Toxicity
  • No High Blood Pressure
  • No Testicular Shrinkage
  • No effects on the hormonal system in mammals including humans
  • Incredibly Low Toxicity Levels (Over 4,000 times that which a person should consume)
  • Complete List:
  • Increases protein synthesis
  • Improves nearly every bodily function
  • Stimulates protein synthesis in nervous tissue and increases nerve function
  • Increases growth anabolicly in vertebrates including humans
  • Increases total protein and glycogen content in muscles
  • Increases myofibrilar proteins more efficiently than the anabolic steroids Methandrostenolone, the most potent steroid, Dianabol
  • Suppresses hypoglycemia while powerfully supporting healthy blood sugar levels
  • Perfect glycemic regulator leading to constant energy and feeling of well-being
  • Stimulates incorporation of glycogen into proteinaceous tissue such as liver and muscle
  • Pushes nutrients into muscle and organ tissue yielding better muscle growth and repair
  • Stimulates the phospholipids that are linked to enormous health benefits when stimulated
  • Cell membrane stabilizing properties
  • Analgestic properties and a potent antioxidative effect
  • Vastly increases athletic performance by increasing work capacity, body-weight, lung capacity, and VO2 max while also increasing exhalation of CO2.
  • Increases lean muscle tissue and reduces adipose content
  • Reduces fatigue and apathy, yet increases speed and strength
  • Promotes a positive nitrogen balance and maintains a greater rate of protein synthesis
    allora gli studi hanno dimostrato in 10 gg di ridurre la massa grassa del 10% e aumentare quella magra del 7% allo stesso tempo ... con dosaggi giornalieri di 5 mg per kg corporeo quindi nel mio caso quasi 500 mg al gg ... l'unico prodotto in commercio che conosco .. e' il syntra ec a garantirti quel dosaggio gli altri sono tutti piu bassi ... ora il mio consiglio e' di provare ... se puoi a prenderlo come ti ho detto io ... gia nei primi 5 gg dovresti sentire qualcosa ...alimentazione iperproteica ... l'unica cosa .. a volte noi ci aspettiamo tanto dagli integratori .. alla fine non sono steroidi anche se secondo certi studi dovrebbero essere la risposta naturale .. cmq a provare non ti costa nulla e sembra che faccia anche bene al fisico

Guru 16-07-2007 09:58 AM

Dov'è lo studio? :D

Voglio il titolo, i riferimenti degli autori e dove è stato pubblicato :p

Anche io posso vendere calce e dire che vi farà prendere 7kg in un mese e farvi perdere 10kg di grasso :)

Provare non costa nulla? :D
A quel dosaggio ne spenderà di soldi, altro che non costa nulla :p

greatescape 16-07-2007 10:01 AM

lo studio e' russo se no mica mi inventavo le dosi :D
cmq l'ho letto su :)

Increase Protein Synthesis and Invoke Positive Nitrogen Balance Studies conducted in the Soviet Union in 1988 showed ecdysterone helps "increase hepatic protein synthesis and subsequently promote positive nitrogen balance!" How does this lead to more muscle mass? Simply: "the more nitrogen your body maintains and the greater rate of protein synthesis, the more mass, period." How, exactly, does ecdysterone do this? V. Smetanin, researcher of the Smolenk State Medical Institute in Russia speculates that ecdysterone decreases urea concentration in the body and increases hemoglobin levels by increasing a process called erythropoiesis. Erythropoiesis is the development of mature red blood cells. This leads to a stimulation of the anabolic process in protein metabolism, which in turn leads to a positive nitrogen balance in the body.

Increase Lean Muscle Mass While Reducing Body Fat The most often quoted ecdysterone scientific study was published in Scientific Sports Bulletin by S. Simakin in 1988. The objective of Simakin's famous study was to determine the effect of ecdysterone on muscle tissue mass and fat mass, while testing for hormonal changes in the subjects. For the study, three control factors were used: a placebo, protein, and ecdysterone with protein. The results were significantly in favor of the third factor. Of the 78 highly trained male and female athletes who consumed just protein, they showed only a slight increase in muscle mass for the 10 day period of time. Those who used a placebo lost a slight amount of lean muscle, while those who used protein plus ecdysterone showed a 6-7% increase in lean muscle tissue with nearly a 10% reduction in fat! Let me say that again: A 10% reduction in fat and a 7% increase in lean muscle tissue in just 10 days! Safety testing was conducted during the same time period which showed no difference in hormonal balance. Wow, if ecdysterone plus protein can do this for highly trained athletes, just think what it can do for the average person!
It's interesting to note the amount of Ecdysterone these Soviet Studies used. According to Derek Cornelius, "Most of the experiments used 5 mg per kilogram of body mass per day as the dosage." To find out how much you would need to take to supply this same amount of ecdysterone, use this equation:
MG/KG XYour Weight = Dosage: In Kilograms: 5 mg X 78 kg = 386 In Pounds: 5 mg X 170lbs / 2.2lbs = 386
So, the average person should consume 300-600 mg of ecdysterone per day to meet this dosage. This compound is so non-toxic that this is a perfectly safe amount to consume. Syntrax Syntrabol is currently the only product that supplies enough mg of ecdysterone (200 mg per capsule) to effectively supplement at the 600 mg level.

Increase Stamina, Endurance, and Energy Ecdysterone was tested in another study performed in 1986 by B.Ya Smetanin. For this research, 117 highly trained speed skaters between the ages of 18 and 28 were tested for work capacity, body weight, lung capacity and VO2 max. The results speak for themselves: all of the said parameters increased as well as an increase in the O2 pulse max and an increase in the exhalation of CO2. Basically, they received more oxygen to their cells! This equates to decreasing recovery time, maximizing performance, permitting optimal muscle anabolism and maximum fat reduction. It also means the athletes using ecdysterone compared to those on a placebo experienced increased stamina, endurance and energy.
That's not all! A study conducted using 112 athletes performed by B.G. Fadeev in Russia showed some very impressive overall results. However, by this time, the results should come as no surprise. 89% of those who supplemented with ecdysterone versus a placebo reported less fatigue, greater performance, more motivation, greater speed, and improved strength. How long did it take before these athletes reported these effects? Months? Weeks? No, five days. To make matters even better, no adverse side effects were reported.

Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?
Bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts will find the extra gains in lean muscle mass and reduction in body fat very beneficial. Based on all the research, Ecdysterone looks to be not only incredibly effective as a performance enhancer on all facets, but also very safe. Since it is not a required nutrient, there are no symptoms of deficiency. However, if you would like to experience more energy and strength gains in less time than you've probably ever experienced, grab some ecdysterone and protein because you are the perfect candidate! Check out the section below to learn more on side effects and recommended dosages.

How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?
What about side effects? That's the best part! As you already know by now, research studies show no negative side effects, no hormonal interactions, and a very low toxicity level for ecdysterone. When tested by ICN Biochemicals on December 31, 1998, a complete safety test was performed to determine the toxicity. The data showed the amount of ecdysterone one would have to take in order to reach toxicity. The amount? 6400 mg/kg! In other words, an average 170lb person would have to take 494,528 mg of the compound to reach this point! This is 4,121 times as much as the recommended dose.
So, as you can see, it's very safe with an incredibly low toxicity. Furthermore, endocrine testing showed that ecdysterone caused no effect whatsoever on the mammalian hormonal system. Testing was measured on testosterone, cortisol, insulin, ACTH, growth hormone, and leutinizing hormone. The data not only shows ecdysterone to be extremely safe, but effective as well! The recommended dose of ecdysterone is 80-120 mg per day and upwards of 400-600 mg per day. We've even heard reports of people receiving amazing results working up to using as much as 1200 mg safely per day. recommends Syntrax Syntrabol for higher doses of ecdysterone because each capsule contains ecdysterone standardized for 200 mg, the highest potency on the market. Remember, ecdysterone should be taken with protein-rich meals for best results!


iolo79 18-07-2007 08:39 AM

mah mi sembra + pubblicità questa......

greatescape 18-07-2007 09:14 AM

e' una ricerca su un elemento no una pubblicita su un prodotto ... puoi leggere le stesse cose con altri prodotti tipo zma .. allora sono tutte pubblicita !!!
sono studi che hanno fatto e che buoni o meno tendono a valorizzare l'elemento in questione non e' mica riferito a un singolo integratore come il syntra ec ma a tutti quelli che lo hano all'interno :)

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