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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
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Predefinito amanda harris - 07-12-2007, 04:04 PM

amanda harris

un'incredibile atleta segnalata da giorgio.

amanda harris

ed è pure carina..

A; Well this year training for meets has been tough. I have competed 25 times this year so I have been using the meets as my training. Under normal conditions I use the CAT method of training using lighter weights in the beginning of a cycle like 50% of my I-RM for 6-9 sets w/ 3reps and at the end of my cycle I train up to 80- 90% of my l rep max for 6-9 sets of single reps. After each training session I do static holds of 100-125% of my I rep max. I train each lift the same way I squat on Monday bench of Tuesday and dead-lift every other Thursday. I also see a chiropractor twice a week too, this helps keep my back straight.

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