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Allenamento: Periodizzazione e programmazione La teoria, la tecnica, le scuole di pensiero e tutto ciò che occorre per un allenamento proficuo e senza traumi.

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Shade Shade Non in Linea
Moderatore Hollow
Messaggi: 6,900
Data registrazione: Dec 2008
Età: 37
Predefinito Sled dragging - 05-11-2013, 03:58 PM

Sled dragging

Salve ragazzi

Ho una mezza idea di costruirmi una "slitta" (per chi nn sa di cosa parlo allego un'immagine in fondo) è molto semplice da realizzare e i benefici che si possono ricavare da questo semplice attrezzo sono innumerevoli, a seconda delle esigenze può essere molto versatile (da utilizzare come fase di recupero attivo, finiscer per un determinato distretto muscolare, come cardio alternativo ecc ecc)

In giro ho trovato un articolo interessante di Dave Tate (ne riporto solo una piccola parte riguardante l'allenamento)

Sample Dragging Workouts

Dragging for restoration — The basic guideline for restoration dragging is to keep the load light and drag for a greater distance. The best distance I've seen for this type of loading is 200 feet. A sample restoration workout is as follows:

1) Around the waist dragging: 90 pounds for 200 feet, rest 30 seconds and return. This movement would be performed for four trips. (One trip equals 200 feet.)

2) Front Raises: Two trips, 200 feet with 35 pounds

3) Rear Raises: Two trips, 200 feet with 35 pounds

4) Ankle dragging: Two trips, 200 feet with 35 pounds

Dragging for strength — The best type of loading for strength is to drag increasingly heavier weights for a shorter distance. The best distance we found for this is 100 feet. A sample strength workout would look like this:

1) Around the waist dragging: Begin with 45 pounds and drag for 100 feet. Rest 30 to 45 seconds and return. Rest another 45 seconds and add another 45-pound plate. Keep with this same distance and continue rest and loading pattern until your body tells you to stop. When it comes to strength dragging, one movement per workout is plenty.

2) Dragging using the empirical rule of 60%: The empirical rule of 60% is one of the best ways to induce active restoration in the course of a micro cycle. The best way to see how this system works is to look at an example of how it's used:

Day 1: Front raise dragging: 100 pounds for two trips of 100 feet.

Day 2: Front raise dragging: 60 pounds for two trips of 100 feet. You'll notice the weight is 60% of the weight used on day one.

Day 3: Front raise dragging: 36 pounds for two trips of 100 feet. This time you'll notice the weight is 60% of the weight used on day two.

These 60% drops are responsible for inducing a means of active restoration. Restoration should be used in cycles throughout the year coupled with the heaviest loading phases. You don't want to make restoration measures part of a yearly cycle because it's important for the body to get sore and beat down at certain times throughout the year. This is part of the training process we all accepted a long time ago. You do, however, want to go into a meet as fresh as possible.

Cosa ne pensate?? Sarebbe fattibile?? Avete idee migliori??


Ultima Modifica di Shade : 05-11-2013 04:18 PM.
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