Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
09-10-2013, 07:43 AM
08/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x16@7 B1) pull up 3x7@7 B2) push up csb 3x7@7 B3) dips bench 3x10@7 C) dips bar 4x10 D) leg raise with rotation 4x10 Campus board A) slow climb (3 cm) (1-2-3-4) 6x1 B) slow climb (3 cm) (1-3-5) 6x1 C) two finger one hand climb (3 cm) 4x1 System Overhanging routes |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
10-10-2013, 11:46 PM
10/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x16@7 B1) dips bar 3x10 B2) leg raise o.t.h 3x5 C) push up ws + push up ms 2x10+10,5 D) pull up ms 5x1@25 5x1@30 E) assisted one arm chin up 3x3 F) assisted one arm pull up 3x3 campus board A) climb (3 cm)(1->2->3->4) 3x1 B) climb/return (3 cm)(1->2->3->4->3->2->1) 3x1 C) double climb/return (3 cm)(3->2->3) 3x6 system A) overhaging route with small holds |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
16-10-2013, 08:28 AM
15/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x17@7 B1) pull up ms 3x5@7 B2) push up ws 3x20@7 B3) chin up 3x5@7 B4) push up ms 3x8@7 C1) dips bar 3x10 C2) torso raise 3x5 D1) crunch 2x15 D2) hyperextension 2x8 campus board A) pull up four fingers (3 cm) 2x3 B) pull up three fingers (3 cm) 2x3 C) pullup two fingers (3 cm) 2x3 D) asymmetric climb (3 cm)(1+3->5+5) 10x1 E) climb/return (3 cm)(1->2->1->3->1->4->1) 3x2 F) dead hang (2 cm) 3x30" system A) overhanging and roof routes |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
18-10-2013, 08:32 AM
17/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x30 B) one arm inverted row pull up 2x8 C1) push up csb 3x10 C2) pull up ms 3x8 C3) dips bar 3x10 C4) dips bench 3x10 D) one arm lock off from chin up 3x1x5" E) lock off from pull up 4x1x10"@10 F) one arm negative pull up 2x3+3 campus board A) four fingers pull up (3 cm) 2x3 B) three fingers pull up (3 cm) 2x3 C) two finegers pull up (3 cm) 2x3 D) two fingers dead hang (3 cm) 5x1x6"@10 E) two fingers dead hang (2 cm) 5x1x4" F) asymmetric lock off (3 cm)(1+3) 2x3x3" system A) overhanging and roof routes |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
19-10-2013, 01:51 PM
19/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x16@16 B) push up ms 3x12@7 C) pull up ms 3x8@7 D) dips bar 5,6,7@7 E) dips bench 3x15@7 F) pull up ms+ lock off 3x1x5"@15 G) pull up ms+ lock off 3x1x4"@20 H) pull up ms+ lock off 3x1x3"@25 I) dragon flag 10",10",8" L) crunch 3x12 M) one arm 90° lock off 3x2x3" campus board A) climb/return (3 cm)(1->2->1) 2x4 B) climb/return (3 cm)(1->2->3->2->1) 2x3 C) climb/return (3 cm)(1->2->3->4->3->2->1) 2x2 D) climb (3 cm)(1->4->6) 2x2 E) two finger pull up (3 cm) 3x3 F) two finger dead hang (3 cm) 3x8"@7 G) two finger dead hang (2 cm) 3x6" H) assisted one arm dead hang 3x1x8" system A) vertical route@7 B) roof route@7 C) overhanging and roof routes Niente arrampicata su roccia.... ma molta palestra!!!!! |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
23-10-2013, 08:12 AM
22/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x16@7 B1) pull up ms 5x8 B2) push up ms 5x12 B3) chin up 5x8 B4) dips bar 5x10 B5) dips bench 5x10 B6) crunch 5x10 C1) dragon flag 4x1x8" C2) pull up neutral grip 4x8 C3) leg raise 4x6 campus board A) pull up 4 fingers (3 cm) 2x3 B) pull up three fingers (3 cm) 2x3 C) pull up two fingers (3 cm) 2x3 D) pull up two fingers (3 cm) 2x2@7 2x3@7 system roof and overhanging routes (big holds, small holds) Allenamento a circuito.... decisamente impegnativo, anche se pensavo peggio. Non è stata una passeggiata ma penso si possa rifare, anzi questo giovedì ci riprovo e vediamo come risponde il corpo. |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
25-10-2013, 08:26 AM
24/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x16@7 B1) pull up ms 5x8 B2) push up ms 5x12 B3) chin up 5x8 B4) dips bar 5x10 B5) dips bench 5x10 B6) leg raise 5x5 C) dragon flag 3x1x8" D1) pull up ms rest pause 2x5@20 (8" rest pause) D2) dead lift 2x20@20 (con i dischi del D1) campus board A) climb/return (3 cm)(1->...8->...1) 2x1 B) two fingers pull up (3 cm) 3x3@7 C) two fingers dead hang (2 cm) 3x8" system roof and overhanging routes (@7) stavolta il circuito l'ho sentito di meno, seppure la seconda parte fosse diversa (ma ho usato un sovraccarico). Voglio provare il rest pause sulle trazioni in modo più sistematico, per vedere quanto può essere utile per aumentare la forza in generale quando ho poco tempo. Buono l'incremento sulle sospensioni al campus board nella tacca da 2 cm. |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
30-10-2013, 09:26 AM
29/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x17@7 B1) pull up ms 5x8 B2) push up ms 5x12 B3) chin up 5x9 B4) dips bar 5x10 B5) dips bench 5x12 B6) leg raise 5x6 C) dragon flag 4x1x6" D1) pull up ms 5x2@20 D2) dead hang 5x1x12"@20 (1) campus board A) four fingers pull up 2x3@7 B) three fingers pull up 2x3@7 C) two fingers pull up 3x3@7 D) asymmetric climb (3 cm)(2+1->4->5) 2x3+3 E) dead hang (2 cm) 4x1x4"@20 F) dead hang (2 cm) 3x1x8" system overhanging routes. (1) su prese svase Inizio ad essere stanco... faccio ancora la sessione di giovedì e poi una settimana di scarico attivo direi che ci vuole. |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
01-11-2013, 10:28 AM
31/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x17@7 B1) pull up ms 5x8 B2) push up ms 5x13 B3) chin up 5x9 B4) dips bar 5x10 B5) dips bench 5x12 B6) crunch 5x15 C) dragon flag 4x1x6" D) one arm 90° lock of 2x3x2" campus board A) four fingers dead hang (3 cm) 1x25" B) three fingers dead hang (3 cm) 1x25" C) two fingers dead hang (3 cm) 1x15" D) four fingers dead hang (2 cm) 1x20" E) three fingers dead hang (2 cm) 1x20" F) two fingers dead hang (2 cm) 1x9" system roof and overhanging routes Ultima sessione del mesociclo, ora inizio una settimana di scarico attivo. |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
13-11-2013, 08:23 AM
12/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x17@7 B1) pull up ms 5x8 B2) push up ms 5x13 B3) chin up 5x9 B4) dips bar 5x10 B5) dips bench 5x13 B6) leg raise with rotation 5x10 B7) dragon flag 5x1x6" C) pull up 4x1@30 D) chin up 4x1@30 campus board A) four fingers pull up (3 cm) 2x3@7 B) three fingers pull up (3 cm) 2x3@7 C) two fingers pull up (3 cm) 6x2@7 D) climb (3 cm) (1->2->3->4->5) 3x1 E) climb/return (3 cm) (1->2->3->4->3->2->1) 3x1 F) climb/return (3 cm) (1->2->3->2->1) 3x2 system roof and overhanging routes |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
15-11-2013, 08:21 AM
14/10/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x17@7 B1) pull up 5x8 B2) push up ms 5x13 B3) chin up 5x10 B4) dips bar 5x11 B5) dips bench 5x14 B6) leg raise o.t.h. 5x7 B7) dragon flag 5x7" C) assisted one arm pull up 6x1 D) assisted one arm chin up 6x1 campus board A) dead hang (3 cm) 6x8"@25 B) dead hang (2 cm) 6x7"@20 C) two finger dead hang (3 cm) 4x6"@10 D) two finger dead hang (2 cm) 6x6" system overhanging and roof route@7 |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
04-12-2013, 08:22 AM
03/12/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x13@10 B1) pull up 4x4@10 B2) push up ms 4x8@10 B3) chin up 4x5@10 B4) dips bar 4x5@10 B5) dips bench 4x7@10 C) leg raise 3x5 D) pull up 5x1@30 E) chin up 5x1@30 campus board A) four finger pull up (3 cm) 2x2@10 B) three finger pull up (3 cm) 2x2@10 C) two finger pull up (3 cm) 2x2@10 D) climb (3 cm) (1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8) 6x1 system A) overhanging and roof routes Prima sessione dopo la settimana di scarico. |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
06-12-2013, 08:23 AM
05/12/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x13@10 B1) pull up 4x4@10 B2) push up ms 4x8@10 B3) chin up 4x5@10 B4) dips bar 4x5@10 B5) dips bench 4x7@10 C) leg raise 3x5 D) assisted one arm pull up 5x2 E) assisted one arm chin up 4x3 campus board A) four fingers dead hang (3 cm) 6x4"@35 B) two fingers dead hang (3 cm) 3x8"@10 C) two fingers dead hang (2 cm) 3x6" system A) overhanging and roof routes campus board |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
11-12-2013, 08:18 AM
10/12/2013 climbing training A) inverted row pull up 2x13@10 B1) pull up 4x4@10 B2) push up ms 4x8@10 B3) chin up 4x5@10 B4) dips bar 4x5@10 B5) dips bench 4x7@10 C) leg raise 3x5 D) pull up 5x1@30 E) chin up 5x1@32 campus board A) four finger pull up (3 cm) 2x2@10 B) three finger pull up (3 cm) 2x2@10 C) two finger pull up (3 cm) 2x2@10 D) climb (3 cm) (1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8) 6x1 system A) overhanging and roof routes Buono l'incremento di carico sui chin up. |
Mobile Suit Moderator
Messaggi: 11,540
Data registrazione: Apr 2005
Località: Sassari
Età: 58
13-12-2013, 08:34 AM
12/12/2013 climbing training versione senza sovraccarico e ridotta come tempo... |
Tags: allenamento bouldering, arrampicata, bouldering, diario, gundamrx91 |
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