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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
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Predefinito 1-day chest specialization - 24-12-2008, 11:20 PM

1-day chest specialization

da una vecchia q&a di poliquin. una routine di specializzazione per il petto da fare 1 volta e basta

7:30 Breakfast:

? 1 lean steak
? 2 poached eggs
? 1 slice of whole grain bread
? 1 orange
? 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
? 3 grams of vitamin C
? 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet
? Udo's digestive enzymes (optional)
? 1 serving of Power Drive

9:00 Program A:

? Incline Dumbbell Press (6-8 reps on a 402 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Flyes (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo, rest 90 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Press (6-8 reps on a 402 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Flyes (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo)

9:30 Program B:

? Chest Dips (4-6 reps on a 404 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Flyes (4-6 reps on a 303 tempo, rest 90 seconds)

10:00 Program A:

? Incline Dumbbell Press (6-8 reps on a 402 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Flyes (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo, rest 90 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Press (6-8 reps on a 402 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Flyes (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo)

10:30 Program B:

? Chest Dips (4-6 reps on a 404 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Flyes (4-6 reps on a 303 tempo, rest 90 seconds)

11:00 Program A:

? Incline Dumbbell Press (6-8 reps on a 402 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Flyes (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo, rest 90 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Press (6-8 reps on a 402 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Flyes (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo)

11:30 Program B:

? Chest Dips (4-6 reps on a 404 tempo, rest 90 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Flyes (4-6 reps on a 303 tempo, rest 90 seconds)

12:00 Lunch:

? 2 chicken breasts
? 1 mixed greens salad
? 1 yam
? 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
? 3 grams of vitamin C
? 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet
? Udo's digestive enzymes (optional)

1:30 Program C (exercises, reps, and tempo differ from the morning workout):

? Flat Dumbbell Press (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Decline Dumbbell Flyes (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 90 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Press (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Decline Dumbbell Flyes (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 90 seconds)

2:00 Program D:

? Incline Dumbbell Presses on a Swiss Ball (1 x 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo)

2:30 Program C:

? Flat Dumbbell Press (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Decline Dumbbell Flyes (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 90 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Press (8-12 reps on a 302 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Decline Dumbbell Flyes (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 90 seconds)

3:00 Program D:

? Incline Dumbbell Presses on a Swiss Ball (1 x 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo)

3:15 Mid-Afternoon Snack:

? 1 serving Grow (or some other meal replacement drink)
? 1 low-glycemic index fruit, like an orange or pear
? Udo's enzymes (optional)
? 1 serving of Power Drive

4:00 Program E (high reps):

? Incline Dumbbell Press 912-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 60 seconds)
? Barbell Bench Press (15-20 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 60 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Press (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 60 seconds)
? Barbell Bench Press (15-20 reps on a 201 tempo, you'll have to decrease the weight on the second set)
? 20 grams of glutamine in 8 ounces of water

4:30 Program F (high reps):

? Decline Dumbbell Presses (1 x 20-25 reps on a 101 tempo)

5:00 Program E (high reps):

? Incline Dumbbell Press (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 60 seconds)
? Barbell Bench Press (15-20 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 60 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Press (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 60 seconds)
? Barbell Bench Press (15-20 reps on a 201 tempo, you'll have to decrease the weight on the second set)

5:15 Snack:

? 2 pieces or servings of low-glycemic index fruit, like mandarin, apple, orange, pear, cherry, etc.
? 20 grams of glutamine in water

5:30 Giant Set (high reps):

? Incline Dumbbell Press (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Barbell Bench Press (15-20 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Flat Dumbbell Flyes (12-15 reps on a 201 tempo, rest 0 seconds)
? Incline Dumbbell Flyes (15-20 reps on a 201 tempo)

6:00 First Recovery Feeding:

? 2 servings of Champion Nutrition Creatine Extreme
? 20 grams of branched-chain amino acids
? 2 grams of vitamin C
? 4 tablets of Champion Nutrition OxyPro
? 800 mg of phosphatidyl serine

7:00 Second Recovery Feeding:

Blender drink consisting of:
? 1 Grow (or other meal replacement drink)
? 125 grams of carb powder
? 10 grams of creatine
? 20 grams of glutamine


Now that you're warm-up is over, it's time to get down to the real workout?nawww, just kidding. It's over. You survived. Slap yourself on the back, if you can.

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silver silver Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 3,499
Data registrazione: Jun 2005
Predefinito 24-12-2008, 11:36 PM

14 allenamenti in un giorno...Sicuramente qualcosa di non propriamente ordinario...
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taker_83 taker_83 Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,406
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: reggio calabria
Predefinito 25-12-2008, 12:23 AM

Quale sarebbe la sua utilità?
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silver silver Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 3,499
Data registrazione: Jun 2005
Predefinito 25-12-2008, 12:01 PM

E' una routine shock...
Tra l' altro prevede 8 gr. di vit C,40 gr. di glutammina,10 gr. e piu' di creatina...
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taker_83 taker_83 Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,406
Data registrazione: Dec 2007
Località: reggio calabria
Predefinito 25-12-2008, 02:50 PM

Molto shock....e molto avanzata come metodologia...
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Devilman Devilman Non in Linea
On the straight line away
Messaggi: 10,390
Data registrazione: Feb 2005
Località: Inferno
Età: 46
Predefinito 25-12-2008, 03:46 PM

Molto "innatural" Poliquin non è nuovo.

Magari Baio se hai tempo la provi alla lettera e ci riporti il feed?
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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
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Predefinito 25-12-2008, 03:57 PM

lol forse avrò anche il tempo durante queste vacanze, ma nn ho più a disposizione una palestra degna di tale nome con tutta l'attrezzatura a dispozione.

magari penso a modificarlo all'uopo, sarebbero già ok imho 6 allenamenti al giorno
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Devilman Devilman Non in Linea
On the straight line away
Messaggi: 10,390
Data registrazione: Feb 2005
Località: Inferno
Età: 46
Predefinito 25-12-2008, 06:00 PM

Sono d'accordo e si dovrebbe modificare anche la parte nutrizionale non credi?

Tutti quei grammi di integratori van giù per il cesso,checchè ne dica Poliquin.

Il principio potrebbe essere dividere la giornata in diversi micro,ognuno composto da un pasto+1 work+ 1 postwork ed un riposo...magari funziona!
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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
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Predefinito 25-12-2008, 06:16 PM

yes, imho è una buona soluzione.

io ho avuto dei discreti miglioramenti usando wo multipli nella giornata
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Gianlu..... Gianlu..... Non in Linea
FIPL Moderator
Messaggi: 11,338
Data registrazione: Nov 2006
Località: Genova
Età: 39
Predefinito 26-12-2008, 05:28 PM

anche secondo me avendone la possibilità fare work multipli sarebbe molto efficace. però programmati su base lunga non una tantum come shock
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silver silver Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 3,499
Data registrazione: Jun 2005
Predefinito 26-12-2008, 07:23 PM

Di certo,partendo da presupposti opposti ed estremi,meglio una cosa del genere che non un allenamento fatto a cedimento ogni 15 giorni...
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Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
Invia un messaggio via MSN a Baiolo Karonte
Predefinito 26-12-2008, 08:42 PM

sulla stessa onda

The One-Day Arm Cure Program

7:30 Breakfast
• 1 lean steak
• 2 poached eggs
• 1 slice of whole grain bread
• 1 orange
• 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
• 3 g of vitamin C
• 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet

8:30 Neurotransmitter Boost
• 1 serving of Power Drive?

9:00 Program A
• Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

9:30 Program B
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

10:00 Program A
• Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

10:30 Program B
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

10:45 Recovery Snack
• 1 serving of a meal replacement drink such as GROW!?, in water, with 5 g of glutamine powder added

11:00 Program A
• Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

11:30 Program B
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
• Rest 90 seconds
• California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

12:00 Lunch
• 2 chicken breasts
• 1 mixed greens salad
• 1 yam
• 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
• 3 g of vitamin C
• 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet

1:30 Program A
NOTE: Reps and tempo change from the morning's training.
• Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

2:00 Neurotransmitter Boost
• 1 serving of Power Drive?

2:00 Program B*
NOTE: Reps and tempo change from the morning's training.
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

*If you're like most people, you'll hit a "wall" about this time?it's what marathoners call "bonking." Of course, you'll have to remember that "riches go to the strong" and keep going. Power Drive should really help you maintain your strength and mental focus.

2:30 Program A
• Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

3:00 Program B
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

3:15 Mid-Afternoon Snack
• 1 serving of GROW!? (or other meal replacement drink)
• 1 low-glycemic index fruit, like an orange or a pear

3:30 Program A (High Reps)
• Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

4:00 Program B (High Reps)
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

4:30 Program A (High Reps)
• Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 75 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

5:00 Program B (High Reps)
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 60 seconds
• California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

5:15 Snack
• 2 low-glycemic index fruits, like oranges or pears

5:30 Giant Set (High Reps)
• Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 0 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 0 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 0 seconds
• California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 120 seconds
• Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 0 seconds
• Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 0 seconds
• Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
• Rest 0 seconds
• California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

6:00 First Recovery Feeding
• 2 servings of creatine, mixed with grape juice
• 20 g branch chain amino acids
• 2 g of vitamin C
• 4 tablets of Champion Nutrition OxyPro
• 800 mg of phosphatidyl serine

7:00 Second Recovery Feeding
Blender drink consisting of:
• 1 GROW!? (or other meal replacement drink)
• 125 g of carb powder
• 10 g of creatine
• 20 g of glutamine
Rispondi Citando
Baiolo Karonte Baiolo Karonte Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
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Predefinito 26-12-2008, 08:44 PM

Keep in mind, though, that this routine only works once or twice a year.
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Bulge Bulge Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 672
Data registrazione: Jun 2009
Località: Milano
Predefinito 01-09-2009, 10:34 AM

E' forse un post un po vecchio ma magari vale la pena di riesumarlo... Hai poi avuto occasione di testare questo allenamento shock del petto Baio? Magari anche in versione modificata (ce la posti nel caso?)?
Mi sto dedicanto molto al petto che è sempre stato uno dei miei punti deboli e volevo sapere quanto e come possa essere utile anche un allenamento d'urto tipo questo...
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