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gian90 gian90 Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 5,464
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito Risposta di Zane durante un'intervista al Mr.Olympia 2010 - 29-09-2010, 06:56 PM

Risposta di Zane durante un'intervista al Mr.Olympia 2010

“ These guys are taking tons of steroids and hormones. That is why they look like that. Bodybuilding has become a drug subculture. It is out of control. And that is why I do not get involved with it…
I think it is all wrong where it is headed, and it is going to be a disaster. I think it is going to be like a Gallagher concert, one of these big bloated guys is going to explode on stage and the first three rows are going to get blood and guts all over them. So it might be a good idea if you are going to a pro show, you should take a rain jacket with you, it could happen at any time. „
Frank Zane, IFBB Pro and Mr. Olympia, on anabolic steroids and the direction of modern pro bodybuilding, “Interview with Mr. Olympia Frank Zane” by Steve Shaw

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