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Matty Matty Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 4,058
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Età: 34
Predefinito Vendo proteine Nutrabolics-Isobolic (908gr) - 28-06-2008, 07:04 PM

Vendo proteine Nutrabolics-Isobolic (908gr)

Nutrabolics - Isobolic (908g)

If you spend hours in the gym pushing yourself through grueling sweat-drenching workouts, ISOBOLIC is the only dietary supplement that will build the lean muscle mass that you deserve. ISOBOLIC is a revolutionary muscle mass generator that uses an Advanced Protein Matrix and the highest quality ingredients to trigger massive visible gains in muscle size and strength, while at the same time reducing body fat. Get bigger, stronger, and leaner sooner than you have ever expected! ISOBOLIC is the fastest acting advanced protein formula in existence that has been clinically proven to stimulate dramatic gains in muscle size and strength faster that ever before. If you dream of packing on slabs of lean muscle, getting stronger, and showing off that shredded midsection, ISOBOLIC advanced protein matrix is the only dietary supplement that will get you there!.

ISOBOLIC utilizes the most unique and potent muscle building formula that is unmatched by any other protein powder. ISOBOLIC has revolutionized the science of muscle building with its patented Advanced Protein Matrix formula that contains 45 grams of physique-altering protein. The scientifically engineered protein matrix is composed of three protein isolate types: whey protein isolate, micellar casein, and egg-white protein isolate. Combined, these three protein isolates provide you with the most potent protein source in existence to stimulate insane muscle growth and accelerated gains in strength faster than ever possible.

Combining fast acting and slow acting proteins at one time will help to slow down protein breakdown and the absorption rate of the amino acids, which is the perfect solution for anyone wanting to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the body throughout the day. In addition, other superior ingredients in ISOBOLIC, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and BromazymTM, keep you lean and help with proper digestion. Therefore, only ISOBOLIC contains the most superior protein formula to trigger unmatched anabolism, ensure sustained protein release, maintain positive nitrogen balance, accelerate muscle recovery, and promote endless muscle growth.

Prezzo 35 euro spedite.

Gusto cioccolato.

Le ho aperte e provate una sola volta, ho qualche problema a digerirle.

Nuove si trovano dai 45 in sù....

Oppure se volete fare qualche scambione...
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dert dert Non in Linea
Messaggi: 4,972
Data registrazione: May 2005
Località: Frosinone
Età: 38
Predefinito 29-06-2008, 09:52 AM

Tutta quella caciare nell'altro thread ed ora che fai le rivendi!!...non ci siamo
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Matty Matty Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 4,058
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Età: 34
Predefinito 29-06-2008, 10:10 AM

Appunto...queste sono quelle che mi ha mandato in alternativa....
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