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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito reanimator - 06-01-2010, 10:42 AM


il miglior post wo secondo me... se abbinato ad hmb, taurina, ala e gluta

Nutritional Information (per 95g portion)
L-leucine ethyl ester HCl
L-valine ethyl ester HCl
L-isoleucine ethyl ester HCl

Arginine alpha ketoglutarate [AAKG]
L-glutamine ethyl ester HCl [GEE]
L-arginine HCl
L-arginine ethyl ester HCl
Taurine ethyl ester HCl
Citrulline ethyl ester HCl
β-alanine ethyl ester HCl

WAXY MAIZE ultra high molecular long chain waxy maize starch
Poly- & oligosaccharides

Whey protein hydrolyzate
Whey protein isolate
Micellar casein
Glutamine peptide

Collagen (as gelatin hydrolyzate)
Glucosamine sulphate
Hyaluronic acid

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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 06-01-2010, 10:42 AM

OLIMP Reanimator will kick start your recovery immediately after an intense training session. It has been designed to regenerate your muscles and glycogen, take advantage of anabolism and prevent catabolism.

Reanimator contains free amino acids in a mega dose, anabolics, anti-catabolics, peptides and the best protein sources, so you can put your body into a positive anabolic state. The special formula of the carbohydrate mix, including among other things Waxy Maze and isomaltulose, will replenish your glycogen reserves quickly and regularly. The unique formula also contains collagen and hyaluronic acid, among other things, so your joints will also be well taken after!

REANIMATOR – top quality, ultra-modern formula of a “POST-WORKOUT” type. The scientists from Olimp Laboratories® have combined active substances and nutrients, all essential for a proper regeneration after intensive training, in a single post-workout preparation. This unique “stack” simultaneously provides, in one portion, all the nutrients essential for work-worn and tired muscles and necessary for a quick and effective restoration of energy and building-block reserves in their cells. In addition, REANIMATOR contains substances that make the body enter a state of anabolic regeneration, while inhibiting the catabolic degradation processes induced by intensive training.

REANIMATOR not only facilitates regeneration. The ingredients of this preparation intensify anabolic processes and inhibit catabolism, as well as lead to the phenomenon of the overcompensation of energy and building-block elements. In addition, they have a deacidifying effect on the body, regulate the breakdown of harmful metabolites, and remove free oxygen radicals. In a nutshell – they create perfect conditions for a maximum muscle mass growth and development of functional capacity!

REANIMATOR contains all the key ingredients for muscle regeneration and development, delivered in a form that is the most beneficial and easily available for muscle tissue. The product has been based on substances that act synergistically and have different absorption times, in order to ensure continuous access of energy compounds, nutrients and building blocks to the muscle tissue after training. Moreover, the preparation has been enriched with collagen, glucosamine sulphate and hyaluronic acid – macromolecules that are the most valuable for nutrition, hydration and regeneration of musculoskeletal system elements and that facilitate the regeneration of microdamages to tendons, ligaments and joints resulting from prolonged and intensive exercise.

REANIMATOR – everything that your muscles may need after a heavy workout.
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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 07-01-2010, 10:16 PM

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Shade Shade Non in Linea
Moderatore Hollow
Messaggi: 6,900
Data registrazione: Dec 2008
Età: 37
Predefinito 10-01-2010, 04:51 PM

Perché nn e' notificato??? Mi pare ottimo
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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 11-01-2010, 11:33 AM

se è notificato sinceramente nn lo sò...riflettendoci penso di si

cmq anche a me sembra ottimo...
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Trokji Trokji Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 10,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Predefinito 11-01-2010, 12:33 PM

sinceramente non mi pare ci sia dentro nessun ingrediente non consentito.. se qualcuno però ha maggiori info in merito le posti.
Unica cosa costicchia.. 15 servings quasi 40 euro da quel che ho visto
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SilverStorm SilverStorm Non in Linea
Messaggi: 100
Data registrazione: Feb 2009
Località: a casa mia
Età: 36
Predefinito 11-01-2010, 03:43 PM

Non è male, ma c'è decisamente di meglio in giro, facendo un confronto qualità/prezzo! Se non è notificato è solo perchè nessuno non se ne è presa la briga di farlo...perhè sarebbe poco accessibile dato il prezzo elevato, valutando anche la qualità del prodotto! Qundi non porterebbe a dei guadagni decenti il rivenditore
Per il resto non ha sostanze vietate in italia....
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Trokji Trokji Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 10,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Predefinito 11-01-2010, 05:05 PM

Boh a me la composizione pare abbastanza buona.. certo è perfettibile ma è difficile trovare un post workout con dosaggi accettabili di leucina e delle altre cose.
poi chiaro che costa molto.. alla fine è solo per comodità di avere un post workout abb completo ma si paga economicamente
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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 11-01-2010, 11:34 PM

provato oggi post wo...a distanza di 3 ore ho ancora la nausea...

gusto limone vomito...terrificante...
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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 11-01-2010, 11:35 PM

paragonabile all'anabolic window
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Trokji Trokji Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 10,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Predefinito 11-01-2010, 11:49 PM

Originariamente inviato da mistersalvo Visualizza Messaggio
paragonabile all'anabolic window
il bbing richiede sacrifici
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mistersalvo mistersalvo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,207
Data registrazione: Jan 2008
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Predefinito 12-01-2010, 09:48 AM

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SilverStorm SilverStorm Non in Linea
Messaggi: 100
Data registrazione: Feb 2009
Località: a casa mia
Età: 36
Predefinito 12-01-2010, 10:58 AM

ragazzi, secondo me per quello che può dare costicchia abbastanza, quindi ora come ora non mi ispira....poi ovviamente, questo è solo il mio parere....
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manakei manakei Non in Linea
Messaggi: 2,858
Data registrazione: Jun 2008
Località: Faenza
Età: 48
Predefinito 12-01-2010, 08:23 PM

Potrebbe non essere notificato perchè nessuno ne ha fatto ancora richiesta al ministero...
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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
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Predefinito 13-01-2010, 01:24 PM

non è che mi faccia proprio impazzire questo prodotto
non è male poteva essere formulato meglio
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