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jonny@NY jonny@NY Non in Linea
Messaggi: 116
Data registrazione: Nov 2009
Exclamation LG Sciences: Anadraulic State - 22-02-2010, 02:34 PM

LG Sciences: Anadraulic State

What's in LG Sciences Anadraulic State? 1165 GramsFruit Punch SlamSupplement FactsServing Size1ScoopServings Per Container30
Amount Per Serving% Daily Value*
Total Calories522.6%*Calories From Fat0- -Total Fat0- -Saturated Fat0- -Cholesterol0- -Carbohydrates13g4.3%*Dietary Fiber0- -Sugars8g- -Protein0- -
Anadraulic State Proprietary Formula24,610g
PSARM: Osthole 80% (Extract)

Natural SERM: Resveratrol 50%, Ellagic Acid 40%

Anti-Aromatase: 3b-Hydroxy-Urs-12-En-28-Oic Acid (25%)

Androgenic Potentiator: Sodium Caprylate

Creatine Matrix:
BioCre (Tm)-Creatine Peptides

Creatine Malate

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Orotate

Pump Complex:

Arginine Orotate

Waxy Maize Starch

Insulin Potentiator:
Bitter Melon 10:1 Extract

Cinnamon 10:1 Extract

Hormonal Growth Booster:
Marus Alba

Cortisol/Lactic Acid Block:
Schizandra Extract

Lycium Extract

Beta Alanine

Essential Amino Acid Blend:
Hydrolyzed Protein




Focus Factors:



* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie dietOther IngredientsPharmaceutical-Grade Dextrose, Calcium Silicate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Natural And Artificial Flavor, Sucralose, Natural And Artificial Color (Herbal Extracts May Be From A Variety Of Sources To Achieve The Active Ingredient: Eriobotrya Japonica, Raspberry, Pomegranate, Cnidium Monnieri, Rosemary, Thyme, Holy Basil, Angelica)

Directions For LG Sciences Anadraulic State:

On training days, take 1-2 scoops with 8-12 oz. of cold water or juice 30-40 minutes prior to training on an empty stomach. On non-workout days take 1 scoop with 8-12 oz. of water. For best results, avoid consuming a meal or protein shake for one hour after taking Anadraulic State.
Warnings: Keep Out Of Reach Of Children. Not for use by individuals under the age of 18 or elderly. Consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplements. Do not use if pregnant, nursing or chronically ill. This product is not intended for individuals who are at risk of or have been treated for high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, depression or other psychiatric condition, renal disease, recurring headaches, spasms, have asthma or taking asthma medication or if you are using an MAO inhibitor.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Qualcuno conosce il prodotto? Che ne pensate?

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jonny@NY jonny@NY Non in Linea
Messaggi: 116
Data registrazione: Nov 2009
Predefinito 22-02-2010, 07:42 PM

nessuno che mi aiuta?
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jonny@NY jonny@NY Non in Linea
Messaggi: 116
Data registrazione: Nov 2009
Predefinito 22-02-2010, 07:48 PM

The Anadraulic State

This revolutionary new product is unlike anything you have ever experienced. It puts your body in the perfect bodybuilding state to accomplish solid muscle growth, a state we call The Anadraulic State. You’ll experience explosive pumps, skyrocketting testosterone levels, vastly increased nutrient absorption and utilization which will turn your body into a muscle building machine!

Anadraulic State is the first pre-workout product made exclusively to build the key androgenic compounds needed for extreme muscle growth. Its powerful 4 stage release technology increases the key factors in a man's endocrine system that cause muscle growth and cellular expression. Based on years of scientific research, this product combines our Receptor technology with the active pSARM's and anti-estrogens found in our other popular products, along with a new type of creatine to give you the most complete formula for increasing muscle growth.

4 Phase Technology is Like Being On a Gram Of Test a Week?

If you can add more receptors, then increase natural testosterone levels, reduce estrogen and finally add in a pSARM for better anabolic effects, you have a product that will naturally rival cycles of even a gram of test a week! Take that and add in nutrients to increase Growth Hormone release and reduce cortisol and you get the perfect Anadraulic State. Unfortunately, this product is too hardcore for women and should only be used by men over 21 who want the maximum anabolic response.
The Perfect Anadraulic State - Part I :: Increased Androgens

Receptor technology increases the sensitivity of each cell and increases the androgen receptor response, causing every molecule of testosterone to be more biologically active; this gives you an increased response to the androgens that are produced during your workout and carries that increased response throughout the day.

Using our popular pSARM technology, we add in co-factors that can act as phyto-testosterone analogs to give your body additional testosterone-like molecules to increase the anabolic effect in each muscle cell. To quote one published study “Osthol could increase androgen, gonadotropin and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity. It suggested that osthol had androgen-like effect and gonadotropin-like effect”. This amazing pSARM adds significantly more androgenic hormones to each muscle cell and stacks right on top of the increased Testosterone production.

Using the natural SERM's from our popular Formadrol product, we reduce the effects of estrogen, thus increasing your natural Testosterone production and increasing the anabolic environment in your body. Phase 3 knocks out estrogen in your cells, which could otherwise make you fat and soft like a little girl.

Anti-estrogens boost testosterone to the highest possible human levels (over 1200ng/dl). Anadraulic State has the strongest natural Aromatase inhibitor on the market, which will increase the free form testosterone in the blood and make more testosterone available for muscle building. The beauty of this is testosterone boosting effect is that it lasts for as long as you take Anadraulic State, keeping blood levels of testosterone elevated for up to 8 weeks without any negative impact.

In Conclusion

The unique testosterone amplifying effects of Anadraulic State rival even the strongest cycles without any of the negative side effects. The addition of pSARM plus Receptor plus Anti-Estrogens boosts total androgenic levels to those never seen before.
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