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Messaggi: 400
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 08:31 PM

Plants contain nitrate as a normal cell constituent and vegetables are usually the main dietary source of nitrate. Normal daily intake varies with dietary customs, 50 to 150 mg NO3-/day seems typical for a western diet. Vegetarians can exceed this, with daily intakes of over 300 mg NO3 - (Walker, 1990).

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Messaggi: 400
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 08:34 PM

There are hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of cardiac patients who receive nitrates day in day out as a treatment for their coronary syndrome.
I am not aware of any investigation or study that would indicate reduced life-expectany, higher cancer incidence rates or any other malaise in coronary patients receiving nitrates vs. those who do not receive them. If nitrates were that dangerous, then all these patients would be exposed to a significantly higher risk for dementia, cancer, diabetes etc. However, they aren't.
That tells us alot about the potential harm from nitrates or the lack thereof.

It is however very important to note that we are speaking strictly about nitrates, and not about nitirites or even nitrosamines.
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Messaggi: 400
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 08:38 PM

There is no evidence that nitrate or nitrite as such cause cancer in animals (ECETOC, 1988). However, a causative connection between nitrate/nitrite and cancer through the formation of N-nitroso compounds is suspected.

The role of nitrate and nitrite in the etiology of cancer in humans, especially gastric cancer, is addressed in numerous studies which are reviewed and discussed by Walker (1990), Forman et al. (1989), ECETOC (1988), IARC (1987) and WHO (1985). Included are also epidemiological studies seeking to find correlation between frequency of cancer and nitrate intake with food and water. Evidence from these sources does not support the hypothesis of a straightforward cause and effect association between nitrate exposure and cancer risk (Forman, 1989).
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Messaggi: 400
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 08:40 PM

J Food Prot. 2002 May;65(5):872-5.
Evidence that ingested nitrate and nitrite are beneficial to health.Archer DL.

The literature was reviewed to determine whether ingested nitrate or nitrite may be detrimental or beneficial to human health. Nitrate is ingested when vegetables are consumed. Nitrite, nitrate's metabolite, has a long history of use as a food additive, particularly in cured meat products. Nitrite has been a valuable antibotulinal agent in cured meats and may offer some protection from other pathogens in these products as well. Nitrite's use in food has been clouded by suspicions that nitrite could react with amines in the gastric acid and form carcinogenic nitrosamines, leading to various cancers. Nitrate's safety has also been questioned, particularly with regard to several cancers. Recently, and for related reasons, nitrite became a suspected developmental toxicant. A substantial body of epidemiological evidence and evidence from chronic feeding studies conducted by the National Toxicology Program refute the suspicions of detrimental effects. Recent studies demonstrate that nitrite, upon its ingestion and mixture with gastric acid, is a potent bacteriostatic and/or bactericidal agent and that ingested nitrate is responsible for much of the ingested nitrite. Acidified nitrite has been shown to be bactericidal for gastrointestinal, oral, and skin pathogenic bacteria. Although these are in vitro studies, the possibility is raised that nitrite, in synergy with acid in the stomach, mouth, or skin, may be an element of innate immunity.
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Messaggi: 400
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 08:42 PM

Since nitrates are naturally abundant in many vegetables and also present in meat, their safety is well established. In fact, in a recent study researchers provided the subject with 700mg of nitrate per day and as they said “The BR supplementation regimen implemented in this study was well tolerated with no deleterious side effects”. The beneficial effects of nitrate supplementation included lower BP, 20% less needed oxygen for muscle work and increased time to failure. (43)
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Messaggi: 400
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 08:50 PM

Magari piu' tardi se ho tempo continuo. Nel frattempo vi comunico che la mia presenza qui era intesa a combattere la disinformazione ed aiutarvi, se devo lottare contro dogmi assurdi dal sapore quasi mistico ed inoppugnabili false verita' prive d'alcun supporto scientifico beh, magari lascio stare.
Allo stesso modo non m'imbarco in disquisizioni teologiche con un prete.
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LoStefo LoStefo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,149
Data registrazione: Mar 2010
Località: Pisa
Età: 35
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 10:17 PM

Bella carrellata Huge, interessante.
Sopratutto (parlo personalmente) le ultime parti su nitriti e nitrati che mi preoccupavano da un pò..
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menphisdaemon menphisdaemon Non in Linea
Messaggi: 336
Data registrazione: Nov 2009
Predefinito 14-10-2010, 10:56 PM

Dai HUGE...non farti pregare che non prego nemmeno il Signore. Figa, mi hai fatto perdere mezzora e due diottrie a leggere tutto, ma davvero interessante!!!

Grazie anche per quelli sui nitriti/nitrati
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ventoblu ventoblu Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 630
Data registrazione: Mar 2008
Età: 53
Predefinito 15-10-2010, 07:53 AM

grazie THEHUGE
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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
Invia un messaggio via MSN a greatescape
Predefinito 15-10-2010, 01:31 PM

qui pero c'e' uno studio del 2010 sull'arginina e il consumo di o2

Acute L-arginine supplementation reduces the O2 co... [J Appl Physiol. 2010] - PubMed result

Acute L-arginine supplementation reduces the O2 cost of moderate-intensity exercise and enhances high-intensity exercise tolerance.
Bailey SJ, Winyard PG, Vanhatalo A, Blackwell JR, Dimenna FJ, Wilkerson DP, Jones AM.

1Exeter University.
It has recently been reported that dietary nitrate supplementation which increases plasma nitrite concentration, a biomarker of nitric oxide (NO) availability, improves exercise efficiency and exercise tolerance in healthy humans. We hypothesised that dietary supplementation with L-arginine, the substrate for nitric oxide synthase (NOS), would elicit similar responses. In a double-blind, crossover study, nine healthy males (aged 19-38 years) consumed a 500 mL beverage containing 6 g of L-arginine (ARG) or a placebo beverage (PLA), and completed a series of 'step' moderate-intensity and severe-intensity exercise bouts 1 h post-ingestion. Plasma [nitrite] was significantly greater following L-arginine consumption compared to placebo (ARG: 331 +/- 198 vs. PLA: 159 +/- 102 nM; P<0.05) and systolic blood pressure was significantly reduced (ARG: 123 +/- 3 vs. PLA: 131 +/- 5 mmHg; P<0.01). The steady-state VO(2) during moderate-intensity exercise was reduced by 7% in the ARG condition (ARG: 1.48 +/- 0.12 vs. PLA: 1.59 +/- 0.14 L*min(-1); P<0.05). During severe-intensity exercise, the VO(2) slow component amplitude was reduced (ARG: 0.58 +/- 0.23 vs. PLA: 0.76 +/- 0.29 L*min(-1); P<0.05) and the time-to-exhaustion was extended (ARG: 707 +/- 232 s vs. PLA: 562 +/- 145 s; P<0.05) following ARG. In conclusion, similar to the effects of increased dietary nitrate intake, elevating NO bioavailability through dietary L-arginine supplementation reduced the O(2) cost of moderate-intensity exercise and blunted the VO(2) slow component and extended the time-to-exhaustion during severe-intensity exercise.
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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
Invia un messaggio via MSN a greatescape
Predefinito 15-10-2010, 01:53 PM

anche io come gli altri voglio ringraziarti, te lo avevo gia detto che per me qui la tua presenza è una cosa molto importante.

io ho solo insistito a chiedere perche volevo capire meglio questa cosa solo per "sete" di conoscenza e curiosità.
per me è importante sapere e conoscere le cose quando posso.

a me non costa nulla togliere l''arginina dalla mia integrazione.

pero mi chiedo se non dovesse funzionare come mai con me e altre persone ha funzionato ??
parlo di effetto pump, vascolarizzazione ecc ...

insomma thehuge io vermanete ti ringrazio per la tua presenza e la tua disponibilità qui e lo sai

concludendo non reputo l'arginina un integratore inutile perchè ha dimostrato avere molte funzioni
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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
Invia un messaggio via MSN a greatescape
Predefinito 15-10-2010, 02:30 PM

Originariamente inviato da greatescape Visualizza Messaggio
concludendo non reputo l'arginina un integratore inutile perchè ha dimostrato avere molte funzioni
mi autoquoto solo per dire che qui nessuno ha detto questo, solo che leggendo queste ultime pagine qualcuno poteva saltare a queste conclusioni
a me fa strano anche perchè gli studi della produzione del no da parte dell'arginina erano stati condotti da piu medici non solo per l'ambito sportivo
quindi in poche parole per la produzione del no non servirebbero piu citrullina e arginina ma basterebbe la presenza di nitrati nei blend ??
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jim_a jim_a Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 541
Data registrazione: May 2008
Predefinito 15-10-2010, 02:52 PM

si credo che bastano alcuni mg di nitrati


l'arginina nitrato funziona???
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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
Invia un messaggio via MSN a greatescape
Predefinito 15-10-2010, 03:03 PM

Originariamente inviato da jim_a Visualizza Messaggio
si credo che bastano alcuni mg di nitrati


l'arginina nitrato funziona???
per promuovere l'effeto pump e del no basta che ci siano i nitrati
ad esempio nel power shock ci sono bcaa nitrati, citrullina nitrata e beta alanina nitrata

volevo sapere emivita dei nitrati e se c'era qualche tolleranza che poteva sviluppare il corpo ad essi
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LoStefo LoStefo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 1,149
Data registrazione: Mar 2010
Località: Pisa
Età: 35
Predefinito 15-10-2010, 03:26 PM

Dovrebbe anche essere notificato Great, o sbaglio?
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