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drol76 drol76 Non in Linea
Messaggi: 164
Data registrazione: Apr 2010
Località: Milano
Età: 48
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Predefinito black china labs super halo - 21-06-2010, 03:02 PM

black china labs super halo

Super Halo

Super Halo is a combination of polydehydrogenated, polyhydroxylated halomethetioallocholane. Super Halo enters your bloodstream quickly and attacks excess fat found around your muscles. By doing this, your muscles will be defined and not appear to be holding water or fat around them, which happens to most who strength train extensively. Scientific studies prove that supplementing polydehydrogenated, polyhydroxylated halomethetioallocholane is the most effective compound when looking to reduce body fat and increase muscle definition. Compare to HaloDrol™.
Take 1 Super Halo daily. It is recommended to take in conjunction with proper nutrition and a regular exercise program while drinking lots of water. For best results, increase total calorie intake and protein consumption. Do not exceed 30 days of use and follow with 60 days off. It is recommended to take a proper Post Cycle product when finished.

qualcuno sa cosa e' ?non l'avevo mai visto prima.mi incuriosiscono sti prodotti d'oltreoceano.hanno sempre nomi e ingredienti misteriosi.
la mia e' una domanda riguardante gli ingredienti niente piu'siccome non avevo mai sentito parlare neanche sulle board americane di questa composizione.

polydehydrogenated, polyhydroxylated halomethetioallocholane

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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
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Predefinito 21-06-2010, 03:05 PM

è come h-drol della cel
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