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Sharingan Sharingan Non in Linea
Messaggi: 7
Data registrazione: Aug 2009
Localitą: Milano
Etą: 40
Predefinito 01-08-2009, 12:40 PM

oddio questo mi ricorda il fatto che qualche hanno fa stallone č stato sgamato e ha dichiarato di non sapere che fosse illegale portare certe sostanze in australia

Stallone Charged in Growth Hormone Case

SYDNEY, Australia (March 13) - Sylvester Stallone has been charged with trying to bring vials of a muscle-building hormone into Australia, where it is restricted. Lawyers for Stallone, the 60-year-old star of the "Rocky" and "Rambo" movie franchises, represented him in a Sydney court on Tuesday where he faces a charge of importing a banned substance.

Stallone and his entourage were stopped at Sydney's airport and detained for several hours on Feb. 16 while customs officials searched bags and confiscated items. His hotel room was searched and more items were confiscated three days later.

At the Sydney premier of his latest movie, "Rocky Balboa," on Feb. 17, Stallone shrugged off the airport incident, calling it a "misunderstanding."

Stallone and his group were allowed to leave Australia, and he was not required to appear in the Sydney Local Court for Tuesday's hearing.

Prosecutors said Tuesday that 48 vials of human growth hormone were found with the actor. The hormone is officially considered a performance-enhancing drug in Australia and it cannot be imported without a permit from the government.

The maximum penalty for bringing it into Australia illegally is a fine of $86,000 and five years in prison. Stallone is unlikely to face the maximum penalty.

The case was adjourned until April 24, when Stallone's lawyers will be asked to enter a plea on his behalf.

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TLF TLF Non in Linea
Messaggi: 15
Data registrazione: Nov 2009
Etą: 40
Predefinito 02-12-2009, 10:04 PM

Normalmente alla dogana (e nn sempre) aprono pacchi provenienti magari dagli USA ma se uno vive in italia e compra in europa difficilmente succede qualcosa.... a meno che nn si tratti di doping o farmaci....
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TLF TLF Non in Linea
Messaggi: 15
Data registrazione: Nov 2009
Etą: 40
Predefinito 02-12-2009, 10:05 PM

sorry ho sbagliatoa postare no era questo il 3ed.
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