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All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
![]() studi sulla glutaIwashita S, Mikus C, Baier S, Flakoll PJ. Center for Designing Foods to Improve Nutrition, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA. BACKGROUND: Glutamine interacts with insulin-mediated glucose disposal, which is a component of the increase in energy expenditure (EE) after a meal. The study aim was to examine if glutamine supplementation alters postmeal nutrient oxidation. METHODS: Ten healthy young adults consumed a mixed meal (6.5 kcal/kg, 14%:22%:64% = protein:fat:carbohydrate) containing either glutamine (GLN:1.05 kcal/kg) or an isocaloric amino acid mixture (alanine: glycine:serine = 2:1:0.5; CON). GLN and CON treatments were administered on separate days in random order for each subject. EE, nonprotein respiratory quotient (RQ), and fat and carbohydrate oxidation rates were assessed using indirect calorimetry for 30 minutes before and for 360 minutes after meal ingestion. RESULTS: Premeal EE and RQ were similar between treatments. The increase in EE above basal during both early (0-180 minutes) and late (180-360 minutes) postmeal phases was greater in GLN than in CON (p < .05), resulting in postmeal EE being 49% greater during the total postmeal phase (p < .05). Net change of carbohydrate oxidation was 38% higher during the early phase with GLN (p < .05), whereas it was 71% lower during the later phase (p < .05). GLN enhanced fat oxidation by approximately 42 kcal compared with CON during the late phase (p < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Glutamine supplementation with a mixed meal alters nutrient metabolism to increase postmeal EE by increasing carbohydrate oxidation during the early postmeal phase and fat oxidation during the late postmeal phase. Consideration must be given to the potential that these postprandial changes in EE are related to glutamine-mediated changes in insulin action and consequently glucose disposal. _______________________________________ van Hall G, Saris WH, van de Schoor PA, Wagenmakers AJ. Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands. RH01769@RH.DK The present study investigated previous claims that ingestion of glutamine and of protein-carbohydrate mixtures may increase the rate of glycogen resynthesis following intense exercise. Eight trained subjects were studied during 3 h of recovery while consuming one of four drinks in random order. Drinks were ingested in three 500 ml boluses, immediately after exercise and then after 1 and 2 h of recovery. Each bolus of the control drink contained 0.8 g x kg(-1) body weight of glucose. The other drinks contained the same amount of glucose and 0.3 g x kg(-1) body weight of 1) glutamine, 2) a wheat hydrolysate (26% glutamine) and 3) a whey hydrolysate (6.6% glutamine). Plasma glutamine, decreased by approximately 20% during recovery with ingestion of the control drink, no changes with ingestion of the protein hydrolysates drinks, and a 2-fold increase with ingestion of the free glutamine drinks. The rate of glycogen resynthesis was not significantly different in the four tests: 28 +/- 5, 26 +/- 6, 33 +/- 4, and 34 +/- 3 mmol glucosyl units x kg(-1) dry weight muscle x h(-1) for the control, glutamine, wheat- and whey hydrolysate ingestion, respectively. It is concluded that ingestion of a glutamine/carbohydrate mixture does not increase the rate of glycogen resynthesis in muscle. Glycogen resynthesis rates were higher, although not statistically significant, after ingestion of the drink containing the wheat (21 +/- 8%) and whey protein hydrolysate (20 +/- 6%) compared to ingestion of the control and free glutamine drinks, implying that further research is needed on the potential protein effect. ___________________________________ Bowtell JL, Gelly K, Jackman ML, Patel A, Simeoni M, Rennie MJ. Department of Anatomy and Physiology, University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom DD1 4HN. J.L.Bowtell@lboro.ac.uk The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of glutamine in promoting whole body carbohydrate storage and muscle glycogen resynthesis during recovery from exhaustive exercise. Postabsorptive subjects completed a glycogen-depleting exercise protocol, then consumed 330 ml of one of three drinks, 18.5% (wt/vol) glucose polymer solution, 8 g glutamine in 330 ml glucose polymer solution, or 8 g glutamine in 330 ml placebo, and also received a primed constant infusion of [1-13C]glucose for 2 h. Plasma glutamine concentration was increased after consumption of the glutamine drinks (0.7-1.1 mM, P < 0.05). In the second hour of recovery, whole body nonoxidative glucose disposal was increased by 25% after consumption of glutamine in addition to the glucose polymer (4.48 +/- 0.61 vs. 3.59 +/- 0.18 mmol/kg, P < 0.05). Oral glutamine alone promoted storage of muscle glycogen to an extent similar to oral glucose polymer. Ingestion of glutamine and glucose polymer together promoted the storage of carbohydrate outside of skeletal muscle, the most feasible site being the liver. _______________________________ |
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All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 7,232
Data registrazione: Jun 2006
Località: perugia
Età: 40
![]() Lehmkuhl M, Malone M, Justice B, Trone G, Pistilli E, Vinci D, Haff EE, Kilgore JL, Haff GG. Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA. Twenty-nine (17 men, 12 women) collegiate track and field athletes were randomly divided into a creatine monohydrate (CM, n = 10) group, creatine monohydrate and glutamine (CG, n = 10) group, or placebo (P, n = 9) group. The CM group received 0.3 g creatine.kg body mass per day for 1 week, followed by 0.03 g creatine.kg body mass per day for 7 weeks. The CG group received the same creatine dosage scheme as the CM group plus 4 g glutamine.day(-1). All 3 treatment groups participated in an identical periodized strength and conditioning program during preseason training. Body composition, vertical jump, and cycle performances were tested before (T1) and after (T2) the 8-week supplementation period. Body mass and lean body mass (LBM) increased at a greater rate for the CM and CG groups, compared with the P treatment. Additionally, the CM and CG groups exhibited significantly greater improvement in initial rate of power production, compared with the placebo treatment. These results suggest CM and CG significantly increase body mass, LBM, and initial rate of power production during multiple cycle ergometer bouts. ___________________________________ Valencia E, Marin A, Hardy G. Pharmaceutical Nutrition Group, School of Biological and Molecular Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.evalencia@brookes.ac.uk OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effect of glutamine supplementation on plasma glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), and whole-blood glutathione (GSH) concentrations in human volunteers. METHODS: Subjects first adapted to a standard diet with known intakes of protein, total GSH, cysteine, methionine, and total Glu (Glu values include Glu and Gln) for 3 d. Plasma Gln, Glu, and whole-blood GSH levels were then measured at 4-h intervals over 24 h. Supplemental oral Gln (0.3 g x kg(-1) x d(-1)) was ingested for 10 d and then 24-h plasma levels of Gln, Glu, and whole-blood GSH were measured. RESULTS: The plasma concentrations of Glu (116%; P = 0.006) and Gln (20%; P = 0.046) were significantly higher, whereas concentrations of GSH were significantly lower (37%; P = 0.00091) after oral Gln supplementation. CONCLUSION: Oral Gln increases Glu and Gln levels in plasma of healthy subjects but does not increase GSH red cell (whole-blood) levels. Thus, GSH biosynthesis and preservation of GHS stores in red blood cells may involve rate-limiting substrates other than Gln. ________________________________ Candow DG, Chilibeck PD, Burke DG, Davison KS, Smith-Palmer T. College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of oral glutamine supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. A group of 31 subjects, aged 18-24 years, were randomly allocated to groups (double blind) to receive either glutamine (0.9 g x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 17) or a placebo (0.9 g maltodextrin x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 14 during 6 weeks of total body resistance training. Exercises were performed for four to five sets of 6-12 repetitions at intensities ranging from 60% to 90% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM). Before and after training, measurements were taken of 1 RM squat and bench press strength, peak knee extension torque (using an isokinetic dynamometer), lean tissue mass (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) and muscle protein degradation (urinary 3-methylhistidine by high performance liquid chromatography). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that strength, torque, lean tissue mass and 3-methylhistidine increased with training (P < 0.05), with no significant difference between groups. Both groups increased their 1 RM squat by approximately 30% and 1 RM bench press by approximately 14%. The glutamine group showed increases of 6% for knee extension torque, 2% for lean tissue mass and 41% for urinary levels of 3-methylhistidine. The placebo group increased knee extension torque by 5%, lean tissue mass by 1.7% and 3-methylhistidine by 56%. We conclude that glutamine supplementation during resistance training has no significant effect on muscle performance, body composition or muscle protein degradation in young healthy adults. ______________________________________ |
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Messaggi: 261
Data registrazione: Sep 2006
Età: 45
![]() Ciao Dany, bel post. però volevo fare una riflessione: mi riferisco a questo articolo Valencia E, Marin A, Hardy G. Pharmaceutical Nutrition Group, School of Biological and Molecular Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.evalencia@brookes.ac.uk OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effect of glutamine supplementation on plasma glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), and whole-blood glutathione (GSH) concentrations in human volunteers. METHODS: Subjects first adapted to a standard diet with known intakes of protein, total GSH, cysteine, methionine, and total Glu (Glu values include Glu and Gln) for 3 d. Plasma Gln, Glu, and whole-blood GSH levels were then measured at 4-h intervals over 24 h. Supplemental oral Gln (0.3 g x kg(-1) x d(-1)) was ingested for 10 d and then 24-h plasma levels of Gln, Glu, and whole-blood GSH were measured. RESULTS: The plasma concentrations of Glu (116%; P = 0.006) and Gln (20%; P = 0.046) were significantly higher, whereas concentrations of GSH were significantly lower (37%; P = 0.00091) after oral Gln supplementation. CONCLUSION: Oral Gln increases Glu and Gln levels in plasma of healthy subjects but does not increase GSH red cell (whole-blood) levels. Thus, GSH biosynthesis and preservation of GHS stores in red blood cells may involve rate-limiting substrates other than Gln. se nel sangue in seguito a somministrazione parentale di glutammina di più il glutammato che la glutammina, mi viene da chiedere se il glutammato dal circolo ematico passi la barriera ematoencefalica ed arrivi nel cervello. se così fosse non sarebbe affatto bene. Comunque qualcosa arriva visto che molti professano la L-Glutammina come carburante preferito delle cellule neurali. IL gluatammato è tossicissimo per le cellule cerebrali, da considerare che la maggiorparte degli effetti tossici dell'alcoll sui neuroni cerebrali sono proprio dovuti alla stimolazione massiva glutammergica che determina l'alcoll. qualcuno che ha un parere in merito?? Qualcuno che ricordi se il glutammato passa o no l abarriera ematoencefalica?? |
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