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Broly Broly Non in Linea
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Predefinito CLENbutical - 26-01-2008, 05:39 PM


dunque non voglio assumerlo ma leggendo la composizione dovrebbe contenere ciò che veramente serve in definizione..non sò se è legale.. ma vorrei il parere di guru grazie

Coleus Forskohlii, Guarana Extract (22% Caffeine), White Kidney Bean Extract, Green Tea Extract (50% Polyphenols), Citrus Aurantium (6% Synephrine), Cayenne, Ginger Root. Other ingredients: Gelatin, Purified Water, Titanium Dioxide, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Yellow #5, Silicon Dioxide, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

The powerful thermogenic agent, Citrus Aurantium, has been added to the CLENbutical formulation for it's ability to increase the body's metabolic rate, as well as it's ability to increase total caloric expenditure; the body is able to burn more calories at a quicker pace. Although Citrus Aurantium is chemically very similar to the stimulant, ephedrine, and is thought to have similar effects in terms of providing an energy boost, suppressing appetite, promoting weight loss and increasing metabolic rate and caloric expenditure, Citrus Aurantium does not stimulate the central nervous system in the brain, so the negative central nervous system side effects, such as jitters and increased blood pressure, are not experienced.
An extremely potent 175mg dose of Coleus Forskohlii is included in CLENbutical for it's superior ability to enhance lipolysis. Lipolysis is the breakdown of fat for fuel, and not only does Coleus help your body burn more fat calories. Coleus also aids in fat loss by stimulating thyroid hormone production and release. Thyroid hormone controls metabolism and can enhance metabolic rate, which translates into more calories being expended, and more fat being burned. One of the overlooked benefits of Coleus Forskohlii is it's ability to stimulate digestive secretions including the release of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, amylase, and pancreatic enzymes, which can allow individuals to digest and assimilate their food better. By increasing the digestion process, you are able to increase nutrient absorption, and the end result is less fat is being stored on the body.
CLENbutical also contains Green tea extract, a powerful antioxidant, to help sustain high energy levels and support the synergistic thermogenic actions of both Coleus Forskohlii and Citrus Aurantium. Green tea is rich in a class of polyphenols known as catechins. It is these catechins that alter the body's use of norepinephrine, a chemical transmitter in the nervous system that lights the fat burning fire in the body, and increases the rate of calorie burning. Norepinephrine has a limited lifespan in your body, but these catechins allow norepinephrine to stay alive for longer, which will help your body burn more fat over a longer period of time. Green Tea has also been found to cause carbohydrates to be released slowly though the digestive system, preventing sharp increases in blood-insulin levels; this promotes the burning of excess body fat.
Guarana, a wild herb from the Amazon region of South America, has been added to the CLENbutical formulation. The active constituent of guarana, guaranine, is nearly identical to caffeine and is extremely potent in improving stamina, increasing endurance, and burning fat. Guarana also contains the alkaloid compounds theobromine and theophylline, which helps curb appetite from sugar cravings and carbohydrate cravings, and increases weight loss. Guarana also increases free fatty acid levels in the blood, which are then used as energy by the body. Elite athletes have been using guarana for decades to help rid overworked muscles of lactic acid and to help recover their strength more quickly; the quicker the body is able to recover, the more lean muscle the body is able to attain.
Cayenne pepper and Ginger are the final pieces of the CLENbutical fat-loss puzzle, and thermogenically work by stimulating the body's output of noradrenaline. This elevates the body's metabolic rate, and causes more calories to be burned at a rapid pace.
All Nutrabolics supplements are independently laboratory tested and assayed using high performance liquid chromatography. They are tested and retested for the presence of inorganic materials, pathogenic bacteria, mold, yeast, fungus and moisture. When you buy Nutrabolics you are buying the best. Start using Nutrabolics' revolutionary CLENbutical formulation today and burn away the stubborn body fat that is preventing you from realizing your highest goals and aspirations.

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Guru Guru Non in Linea
Uncensored Magister
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Predefinito 27-01-2008, 02:24 AM

Si, a parte la sinefrina e l'estratto di fagiolo, il resto andrebbe bene, sennonchè i quantitativi non sono indicati, quindi potrebbe sforare nei dosaggi massimi ammissibili.
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