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Integrazione L'azione fisiologica, i protocolli d'assunzione, le materie prime ed i prodotti in commercio. Discutiamone senza censure e veti commerciali

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LiborioAsahi LiborioAsahi Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,115
Data registrazione: Sep 2008
Localitą: Mvtina
Etą: 40
Exclamation Analisi Integratori Proteici - 17-12-2013, 01:17 PM

Analisi Integratori Proteici

Lo metto col dubbio di pubblicare "una cagata", non so se i dati sono veritieri, ma se lo fossero sarebbero mooooolto interessanti.

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orange orange Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,231
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito 17-12-2013, 03:39 PM

Al di la dei risultati č sicuramente vera la conclusione

I want to state that I know me doing this is ridiculous. But it is not ridiculous because my testing method has a large margin of error (of course it does) but because I am the only one in the world that does this.
Please reflect on the status quo rather than single outing Gaspari. Here is a billion dollar industry and no qualified third party is doing a comparative analysis and customers don't seem to care.
Can you imagine a world where CPUs and GPUs are not benchmarked? Of course some benchmarking methods are flawed or not suitable for certain products but that is not the point. Somebody should do it and it had to start somewhere. Let's push places like Cosumer Reports, large fitness websites or magazines to do this properly.
I hope my effort can raise enough awareness. That is my only wish. So long.
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