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One of Us
Messaggi: 48
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Localitą: Roma
...cla Ad Alti Dosaggi... -
21-01-2009, 01:36 PM
...cla Ad Alti Dosaggi......L'ho trovato molto interessante ditemi cosa ne pensate...! High dose 12-day CLA regimen. Results. Have been on 30g CLA/day(Tonalin) for the last 12 days. Didn't change a thing training wise or macro-nutrient wise. Starting BW: 190lbs BF% 9.5% Right now: 190lbs BF: 8% Dropped roughly 3lbs of fat. I'm starting a bulking cycle now, but I'm still going to pound the CLA. According to the studies it "should" reduce possible fat gain. I'm very surprised at my results Now on this he used 30 Tonalin CLA caps per day which is a maximum 82% conjugated and a minimum of 74% conjugated. Also it also varies between 7% and 27% of the trans-10 cis-12 isomer, which is the one that effects lipid metabolism (your fat stores) So this means that he lost about 3lbs of fat in 12 days on a total of between 1554mg and 6642mg of trans-10 cis-12 per day. This variance and lack of trans-10 cis-12 CLA is why I don't like the tonalin brand, and stock an 80% conjugated product with a 50/50 ratio of the two isomers. So to replicate this experiment with my CLA (in terms of fat loss) at the absolute high end of the possible dosage taken, you would need to take just 16 caps per day, instead of 30. Or you could just use it in the usual dose protocol of 8 capsules per day, which provides 6.4g total CLA. 50% muscle building cis-9 trans-11 isomer, 50% fat reducing trans-10 cis-12 isomer. Chances are you could be getting the same dosage as this experiment anyway due to the variance in the tonalin brand. |
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 5,464
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
21-01-2009, 04:26 PM
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One of Us
Messaggi: 48
Data registrazione: Jan 2009
Localitą: Roma
21-01-2009, 05:04 PM