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Riedle Riedle Non in Linea
Messaggi: 248
Data registrazione: May 2008
Predefinito Proforce 100% Whey Isolate - 04-06-2009, 04:08 PM

Proforce 100% Whey Isolate

Product description

Proforce Nutrition 100% WHEY ISOLATE contains only pure whey isolate protein without any additives such as sweeteners, bulking agents, colors, flavours or preservatives. It is produced by micro-filtration and spray drying process that retain the highest quality undenatured protein content with valuable microfractions.

100% Whey Isolate is superior protein source, which combines enhanced functionality, full solubility, neutral flavor and it is almost without fat and lactose. Whey Protein Isolate enjoy elite status among all protein sources, largely due to its high bioavailability, superior amino acid profile and rapid absorption. It is well known fact that Whey Protein Isolate boasts the highest biological value of any protein source available today.

Whey Protein Isolate is also very high in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), a key component of muscle cells. A full one-third of muscle is comprised of BCAAs, yet they are the first amino acids to break down during exercise. This highlights the need for a protein source high in BCAAs for maximum muscle growth and recovery. In fact, post-workout consumption of whey stimulates protein synthesis (i.e. muscle growth) within muscle tissues.

Whey Protein Isolate is nature’s purest and most effective protein source for supporting lean muscle gain as well as maintaining overall health and fitness. In turn, whey protein may have special immune-enhancing benefits important for athletes who often push themselves to the edge. Finally, it stimulates the production of the body's most powerful natural antioxidant glutathione, which also plays a role in immune system support.

100% Whey Isolate is specially recommended for serious athletes or bodybuilders, but it may also be taken by people recovering from surgery, illness or as a supplement by low carb diet. 100% Whey Isolate has neutral taste and can be easily blend with your favorite beverage.

Ingredients Whey Protein Isolate
Flavours neutral
Quantity 1,9 kg
Servings per Container 74
Directions As a protein supplement, mix 2 heaped tablespoons with 200 ml water, milk or your favorite beverage. Consume one or more servings daily, as needed.
Serving size 27 g (2 Rounded Scoop)
Energy 99 kcal
Protein 25 g
Carbohydrate less than 0,1 g
Fat 0,3 g
other Whey Protein Isolate
L-Alanine 1,59 g
L-Arginine 0,57 g
L-Aspartic Acid 3,45 g
L-Cystine 0,73 g
L-Glutamic Acid 5,02 g
L-Glycine 0,51 g
L-Histidine 0,43 g
L-Isoleucine 1,51 g
L-Leucine 2,86 g
L-Lysine 2,7 g
L-Methionine 0,68 g
L-Phenylalanine 0,92 g
L-Proline 1,75 g
L-Serine 1,56 g
L-Threonine 2,16 g
L-Tryptophan 0,59 g
L-Tyrosine 0,89 g
L-Valine 1,49 g

Come vi sembrano queste proteine?
Non ho mai provato questa marca: c'è da fidarsi?

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Riedle Riedle Non in Linea
Messaggi: 248
Data registrazione: May 2008
Predefinito 05-06-2009, 04:01 PM

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Chris4R Chris4R Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 712
Data registrazione: Jun 2009
Località: Napoli
Età: 44
Predefinito 11-06-2009, 07:50 PM

Nazionalità distributore : Slovenia
Provenienza materia prima : ?

Non vedo certificazioni o certificati di analisi/qualità del prodotto . Il prezzo è mooolto vantaggioso ma, per parte mia, un eventuale acquisto sarebbe troppo "al buio" .
Rispondi Citando
Mimmolino Mimmolino Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 994
Data registrazione: Jul 2008
Età: 40
Invia un messaggio via MSN a Mimmolino
Predefinito 11-06-2009, 10:20 PM

Il marchio è abbastanza noto, io andrei a fiducia.
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