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effect effect Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 8,093
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 18-11-2008, 08:44 PM

Si, infatti oggi sto meglio!

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ArmandoVinci ArmandoVinci Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 5,497
Data registrazione: Feb 2005
Località: Napoli/Roma
Invia un messaggio via MSN a ArmandoVinci Invia un messaggio via Skype a ArmandoVinci
Predefinito 18-11-2008, 09:28 PM

Originariamente inviato da Guru Visualizza Messaggio
Non sarà la vitamina c a prevenire i raffreddori, non facciamo passare messaggi sbagliati.

Ciò che li previene è avere un sistema immunitario efficiente, ciò lo si ottiene evitando carenze nutrizionali, tossine e rifuggendo in sovrallenamento.

La vitamina c è un antiossidante, quindi può contribuire, ma non è la soluzione ne il fatto che ci si sia ammalati può significare che non se ne assume abbastanza
C'è un articolo interessante su questo argomento.

Some Interesting Facts About Vitamin C and Immune System

You'd have to eat a couple dozen oranges to get the same effect as one Vitamin C tablet that contains 500 mg of Vitamin C. Perhaps everyone knows that vitamin C and immune system of humans are interconnected principles. Just like the relationship between vitamin C and cold, because Ascorbic acid is very important for the human body and due to its using in oxidation-reduction in the human body it can prevent many diseases. Vitamin C for allergies is the worst enemy because Ascorbic acid can prevent allergies from getting worse.

According to research provided by American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) at the Anniversary Meeting, people who daily intake Ascorbic acid can support their own immune system, in other words those people protect themselves from various colds and viruses.

Do you know that vitamin C and immune system are interconnected principles? Ascorbic acid is a nutrient that has been shown to have a strong jolt on human health. Researchers originally intended that considerable doses of Vitamin C can reduce the severity and the rate of the common cold.

Susan Ritter and Gailen D. Marshall (they are members of the University of Texas Health Science Center) wanted to determine that fact, whether Ascorbic acid can change the immune system function and provide addition protection from various viral infection, and that's why they studied cells of white blood of 12 persons before and after every intake of the 1 gram of vitamin C during a two week beta-test. After that, researchers analyzed the types of immune cell that is presented in the human blood as well as the capability of immune cells to produce antiviral compounds.

The number of natural killer cells (those cells that struggle against viral infections) in the peripheral blood growth after fourteen days of supplementation with Ascorbic acid. While T cells number (also cells that are active in protecting from viruses) stayed the same, T cells became more activate after supplementation of vitamin C. The T cells also made emphatically more interferon-gama (a special antiviral combination) and the productivity of interleukin-10 and interleukin-4 (first and second are associated with various allergic problems and diseases) became less after fourteen days of vitamin C supplementation.

As the result of those investigations, Susan Ritter and Gailen D. Marshall stated that this data demonstrate that antiviral immunity increases after fourteen days of 1g/day Ascorbic acid supplementation and it was proven that the intake of vitamin C can modify the human immune system. Thus, take vitamin C and cold will not be dangerous for you. It concerns also allergy intake vitamin C for allergies protection.

Vitamin C is on the top of immune boosters list and there are many reasons for that. Perhaps, the greatest number of nutrient investigations was devoted to vitamin C and immune system. Ascorbic acid addendums are inexpensive to make, and it is very good that vitamin C is available naturally in many vegetables and fruits. There is another possibility to get Ascorbic acid - you can buy at any chemist's shop vitamin-C-fortified version. Now let's take a brief review of vitamin C and immune system benefit of it.

Ascorbic acid increases the infection-fighting production antibodies and white blood cells and increases interferon levels, the antibody that covers surface of cells, which are favorable for the viruses` entry. Vitamin C diminished the cardiovascular disease risk with the help of raising HDL levels cholesterol while decreasing blood pressure and importunate with the proceeding during which fat is transformed to plaque in the human arteries. It is also interesting about vitamin C and immune system that people who have diets with higher vitamin C concentration have lower rates of prostate, colon and even breast cancer.
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orange orange Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,231
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito 21-11-2008, 06:13 PM

Originariamente inviato da _Matty_ Visualizza Messaggio
ragazzi, cosa posso usare contro il mal di gola e i vari sintomi fastidiosi?
Contro il mal di gola io uso la propoli, sciroppo,compresse o spray a seconda di come ti trovi meglio...
Magari è soggettivo ma a me funziona che è uno spettacolo.

Un mio amico che fuma e che ha tosse e bronchi intasati praticamente sempre da quando la usa è migliorato( continuando a fumare miracoli non ne ha fatti ma aiuta)
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Matty Matty Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 4,058
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Età: 34
Predefinito 22-11-2008, 04:00 PM

Originariamente inviato da ArmandoVinci Visualizza Messaggio
C'è un articolo interessante su questo argomento.

Some Interesting Facts About Vitamin C and Immune System

You'd have to eat a couple dozen oranges to get the same effect as one Vitamin C tablet that contains 500 mg of Vitamin C. Perhaps everyone knows that vitamin C and immune system of humans are interconnected principles. Just like the relationship between vitamin C and cold, because Ascorbic acid is very important for the human body and due to its using in oxidation-reduction in the human body it can prevent many diseases. Vitamin C for allergies is the worst enemy because Ascorbic acid can prevent allergies from getting worse.

According to research provided by American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) at the Anniversary Meeting, people who daily intake Ascorbic acid can support their own immune system, in other words those people protect themselves from various colds and viruses.

Do you know that vitamin C and immune system are interconnected principles? Ascorbic acid is a nutrient that has been shown to have a strong jolt on human health. Researchers originally intended that considerable doses of Vitamin C can reduce the severity and the rate of the common cold.

Susan Ritter and Gailen D. Marshall (they are members of the University of Texas Health Science Center) wanted to determine that fact, whether Ascorbic acid can change the immune system function and provide addition protection from various viral infection, and that's why they studied cells of white blood of 12 persons before and after every intake of the 1 gram of vitamin C during a two week beta-test. After that, researchers analyzed the types of immune cell that is presented in the human blood as well as the capability of immune cells to produce antiviral compounds.

The number of natural killer cells (those cells that struggle against viral infections) in the peripheral blood growth after fourteen days of supplementation with Ascorbic acid. While T cells number (also cells that are active in protecting from viruses) stayed the same, T cells became more activate after supplementation of vitamin C. The T cells also made emphatically more interferon-gama (a special antiviral combination) and the productivity of interleukin-10 and interleukin-4 (first and second are associated with various allergic problems and diseases) became less after fourteen days of vitamin C supplementation.

As the result of those investigations, Susan Ritter and Gailen D. Marshall stated that this data demonstrate that antiviral immunity increases after fourteen days of 1g/day Ascorbic acid supplementation and it was proven that the intake of vitamin C can modify the human immune system. Thus, take vitamin C and cold will not be dangerous for you. It concerns also allergy intake vitamin C for allergies protection.

Vitamin C is on the top of immune boosters list and there are many reasons for that. Perhaps, the greatest number of nutrient investigations was devoted to vitamin C and immune system. Ascorbic acid addendums are inexpensive to make, and it is very good that vitamin C is available naturally in many vegetables and fruits. There is another possibility to get Ascorbic acid - you can buy at any chemist's shop vitamin-C-fortified version. Now let's take a brief review of vitamin C and immune system benefit of it.

Ascorbic acid increases the infection-fighting production antibodies and white blood cells and increases interferon levels, the antibody that covers surface of cells, which are favorable for the viruses` entry. Vitamin C diminished the cardiovascular disease risk with the help of raising HDL levels cholesterol while decreasing blood pressure and importunate with the proceeding during which fat is transformed to plaque in the human arteries. It is also interesting about vitamin C and immune system that people who have diets with higher vitamin C concentration have lower rates of prostate, colon and even breast cancer.
Bell'articolo... molto interessante.... ormai son più quelli positivi che quelli negativi....

Penso di ricominciare ad assumere almeno 500mg al giorno...
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chaba chaba Non in Linea
Messaggi: 121
Data registrazione: Feb 2007
Età: 38
Predefinito 23-11-2008, 06:07 PM

io palestra la faccio =, magari salto qualcosina tipo addominali e corsa dove si perde + tempo.
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effect effect Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 8,093
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 24-11-2008, 01:49 PM

NAC? NAC spray?
cosi devo dirgli al farmacista?

sono raffreddato, ho la tastiera del pc tutta colata
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greatescape greatescape Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 20,462
Data registrazione: Jun 2007
Invia un messaggio via MSN a greatescape
Predefinito 24-11-2008, 03:10 PM

io sapevo che il dosaggio della vit c era sui 4 gr al gg per l'influenza e sotto influenza si poteva alzare ancora .. naturalmente frazionato
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effect effect Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 8,093
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 01-12-2008, 03:03 PM

Originariamente inviato da effect Visualizza Messaggio
NAC? NAC spray?
cosi devo dirgli al farmacista?

sono raffreddato, ho la tastiera del pc tutta colata
Signori, per cortesia, mi dite quale NAC acquistare in farmacia?
Cè una marca specifica? la posologia ecc ecc...

Rispondi Citando
effect effect Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 8,093
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 01-12-2008, 03:07 PM

Il fluimucil è buono?
200 o 600mg?

Ultima Modifica di effect : 01-12-2008 03:14 PM.
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kalliste kalliste Non in Linea
Messaggi: 946
Data registrazione: Jun 2008
Predefinito 01-12-2008, 03:40 PM

Originariamente inviato da effect Visualizza Messaggio
quando arriva la febbre, purtroppo non ci si puo allenare, diminuisce l'appetito, il corpo inizia a indebolirsi e cosi via.
Cosa consigliate di fare, oltre a mettersi a letto?
Mettiamo caso per un tipo che è in fase di massa, ci sono integratori adatti da prendere? ci sono tattiche? ci si allena a letto con i pesi da 5 kili ?
Ditemi voi esperti, ciao
Rispondi Citando
effect effect Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 8,093
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 01-12-2008, 03:54 PM

A mia zia l'influenza viene Una volta ogni morte di papa!
L'anno scorso per la prima volta si è fatta il vaccino e dopo qualche giorno ha avuto l'influenza

Mai fatto il vaccino!
Rispondi Citando
Guru Guru Non in Linea
Uncensored Magister
Messaggi: 25,331
Data registrazione: Jan 2005
Località: Kalepolis
Età: 48
Predefinito 01-12-2008, 06:11 PM

Il fluimucil va benissimo.

Mettilo nel succo d'arancia altrimenti vomiti
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effect effect Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 8,093
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 01-12-2008, 06:35 PM

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orange orange Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,231
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito 01-12-2008, 07:05 PM

Originariamente inviato da effect Visualizza Messaggio
Il fluimucil è buono?
200 o 600mg?
Ma con buono intendi il gusto o valido come medicinale?
Comunque dipende dai sintomi.
Essendo un mucolitico serve a liberare le vie respiratorie intasate, per il dosaggio chiedi al farmacista almeno vai sul sicuro.

Il sapore effettivamente non è il max però se ti fa star meglio che te frega!!
Rispondi Citando
effect effect Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 8,093
Data registrazione: Jan 2007
Predefinito 02-12-2008, 06:51 AM

Originariamente inviato da orange Visualizza Messaggio
Ma con buono intendi il gusto o valido come medicinale?
Comunque dipende dai sintomi.
Essendo un mucolitico serve a liberare le vie respiratorie intasate, per il dosaggio chiedi al farmacista almeno vai sul sicuro.

Il sapore effettivamente non è il max però se ti fa star meglio che te frega!!
Si, inteso come medicinale, no come sapore!
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