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LiborioAsahi LiborioAsahi Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,115
Data registrazione: Sep 2008
Localitą: Mvtina
Etą: 40
Predefinito 18-10-2011, 08:32 PM

As you say in Italy there are a few brands to trade these products. The 2 brands that you bring up are the 2 major.
However they are mainly used to replace less healthy foods like butter sauces, jams etc.
Allergic people do not know if they use them, but I do not think because different types of nuts are allergenic. The celiac disease could make greater use, but I have no experience about it.

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FrenchFaa FrenchFaa Non in Linea
Messaggi: 6
Data registrazione: Oct 2011
Predefinito 18-10-2011, 09:06 PM

Thank you for your reply

When I said allergic people I was thinking about lactose intolerents, who could make for example latte di mandorle with water and crema di mandorle

Anyway, it helps a lot!

Where do you commonly buy that kind of product ? it is easy to find in a super or hypermarket ?
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orange orange Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,232
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito 18-10-2011, 09:55 PM

For me is very difficult to find them in the supermarket (if we talk about 100% drie fruit cream)

The only shop that have them are the Bio or some supplements shop.

They are very expensive and often offers a small choose of brands, so is better buy them on online shop in other European countries.
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FrenchFaa FrenchFaa Non in Linea
Messaggi: 6
Data registrazione: Oct 2011
Predefinito 19-10-2011, 12:29 PM

Thank you orange... and what brand do you often buy ?
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newfit newfit Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,127
Data registrazione: Jun 2011
Predefinito 19-10-2011, 01:35 PM

generally, the choice is based on the quality of the product ....
if a product meets"Royalties"as:" no junk ".....
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orange orange Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 15,232
Data registrazione: Apr 2008
Predefinito 19-10-2011, 03:13 PM

Originariamente inviato da FrenchFaa Visualizza Messaggio
Thank you orange... and what brand do you often buy ?
In Italy only Rapunzel.

Their products are very good for me, however i have no choice, is the only brand that i find in my small town near Milan.
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FrenchFaa FrenchFaa Non in Linea
Messaggi: 6
Data registrazione: Oct 2011
Predefinito 19-10-2011, 05:49 PM

Thank you newfit
Do you know some brands, others than Rapunzel to sell this product ?
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matalo matalo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
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Data registrazione: Apr 2009
Localitą: Roma
Etą: 36
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Predefinito 19-10-2011, 06:43 PM

I usually buy from myprotein their peanut butter it's, like rapunzel, natural and tastes good.
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FrenchFaa FrenchFaa Non in Linea
Messaggi: 6
Data registrazione: Oct 2011
Predefinito 19-10-2011, 06:57 PM

Thanks Matalo !!
I didn't know about this brand, it helps a lot
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matalo matalo Non in Linea
All the Truth Member
Messaggi: 2,141
Data registrazione: Apr 2009
Localitą: Roma
Etą: 36
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Predefinito 20-10-2011, 12:49 AM

It's an english brand which sells a lot of bulk products. I know it, because it's less expensive than others if you have to buy large portions of powder
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